
PhD Dissertation Pre-defense of Federico Gallo

Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience (Center for Cognition and Decision Making) is pleased to annouce the Ph.D. Pre-defense of Federico Gallo which will take place on 15th December, 2021 at 18.00. Thesis title: "Effects of individual experience on prevention and compensation of age related cognitive decline: neural and behavioral data". The event will be held online.

PhD Dissertation Defense of Aleksei Gorin

Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience (Center for Cognition and Decision Making) is pleased to annouce the Ph.D. defense of Aleksei Gorin which will take place on 16th December, 2021 at 14.00. Thesis title: "Sensory neuroplacity elicited by auditory cued monetary outcomes". The defense will be held online.

International‌ Landscape‌ Ecology‌ Laboratory‌ Opens at the Faculty

International‌ Landscape‌ Ecology‌ Laboratory‌ Opens at the Faculty
The Higher School of Economics has summed up the results of the project competition "Launching International Laboratories at the National Research University Higher School of Economics for the period from 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2024". As a result of the competition, one of the four new international laboratories was the International Landscape Ecology Laboratory on the basis of the Faculty of Geography and Geoinformation Technologies. Researches will create a set of methods for processing remote information aimed at using it as efficiently as possible as a source of data on the structure and organization of landscape cover.

All-Moscow seminar "Expert assessments and data analysis".

On December 8, 2021, at 14:30, an online ZOOM broadcast of the meeting of the all-Moscow seminar Expert Assessments and Data Analysis took place.

International Laboratory of Social Neurobiology to Look at How Fake News Affects Human Behaviour

Vasily Klucharev, Head of International Laboratory of Social Neurobiology
The mega-grant allocated by the Russian government to the International Laboratory of Social Neurobiology, has been extended for 2022-23. The laboratory was founded two years ago and is headed by Iiro Jaaskelainen, a leading neurobiologist from Finland. Laboratory Head Vasily Klucharev spoke to the HSE News Service about the results the lab has already achieved and the prospects for the next two years.

ID Lab ONLINE Workshop

ID Lab ONLINE Workshop
Georg Stadtmann presented the results of the study "Survival of professional CS: GO teams: What matters? A research note"

Research assistants of the Center for Language and Brain Speak participated at the ABC'21 Conference

Research assistants of the Center for Language and Brain Speak participated at the ABC'21 Conference
On December 3, Research Assistants of the Center for Language and Brain - Militina Gomozova, Semen Kudriavtsev and Alina Minnigulova - made poster presentations at the ABC'21 conference: Language and Cognition in Typical and Atypical Development.

Researchers from the Higher School of Economics found out that meditation affects people differently

Researchers from the Higher School of Economics found out that meditation affects people differently
A group of scientists from the Center for Bioelectrical Interfaces at the National Research University Higher School of Economics studied the activity of the brain and other body systems during meditation. In the course of the study, it was shown for the first time that by performing the same instructions, some people relax, while others concentrate. The study was published in the journal PlosOne.

Klaus Boehnke receives the 2022 APA Award for Distinguished Contributions to the International Advancement of Psychology

American Psychological Association has selected prof. Klaus Boehnke to receive the Award for Distinguished Contributions to the International Advancement of Psychology for the year 2022.

2021 ASEEES Conference

ASEEES (Association for Slavic, East European, & Eurasian Studies) Virtual Convention was held in New Orleans, LA on November 18-21 and online on December 1-3. The theme this year was “Diversity, Intersectionality, Interdisciplinarity”, several ISCID team members took part in the event.