In July-August of the current year, Laboratory employees Anna Derkacheva and Robert Sandlersky took part in field studies of forest geosystems in Northwestern Mongolia as part of the Joint Russian-Mongolian Complex Biological Expedition of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of the MPR under the IPEE RAS.
Petr Parshakov, Deputy Head of IDLab, presented the report "Choking under pressure in online and live competitions".
An article by the staff of the International Laboratory of Microphysiological Systems and collaborators from the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences 'Specificity of viscumin revised. As probed with a printed glycan array' accepted for publishing in Biochimie journal.
In June 2022, laboratory employee Grigory Chernov presented the report Introduction to structured learning and causal discovery.
Huge investments into high tech companies is a key innovation development tool in most countries — leaders of the global economy. Employees of the Russian Cluster Observatory of the HSE Institute of Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge made first estimates of the global high tech innovation activity and compared countries’ contribution into the global pool of leading institutions and people in fields of science, technology and creative industries.
Another stage of the joint scientific research within the large-scale institutional international project CAPES-PrINT was held by the Director of the Centre, Professor Dr. Alexey Vagov at the University of Pernambuco (Brazil). The research stage was dedicated to the study of multi-zone superconductivity. The promising scientific results were achieved together with the group of Professor Dr. Albino.
Researchers from the HSE Center for Language and Brain have identified previously unknown age-related changes in brain activity during the perception of auditory information in a group of children aged 7–12 years. The researchers used magnetoencephalography (MEG), an ultra-precise method of brain activity recording. The results obtained can be used to explore the impairments in language comprehension in children with autism. The study was published in the Human Brain Mapping.
Director for Academic Development and Head of the Laboratory of Sports Studies Dmitry Dagaev spoke at the IDLab scientific worshop