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Big Data Systems Development and Implementation


  • Basic computer science principles and skills
  • Basics in data analysis
  • Basics in enterprise architecture


  • Advanced Data Analysis&Big Data for Business Intelligence
  • Data Analysis
  • Enterprise Architecture Modeling


Big Data Systems address needs for structured and unstructured data across a wide spectrum of domains such as Web, social networks, enterprise, cloud, mobile, sensor networks, multimedia/streaming, and cyber physical and high performance systems. 

The course is focused on the relevant architecture of Big Data Systems, their building, implementation and management.

The course emphasizes the skills and knowledge to identify and communicate business system needs, to develop right Big Data system architecture and software/hardware infrastructure and implement it into organizations to improve business performance and get profit from available data. The course contains an overview and case studies of contemporary Big Data systems and highlights the areas of greatest potential application of the technology.

Topics include:

1. Information Technology in Organizations

2. The knowledge-based view of the corporate system: resource-based view of the firm, knowledge work and knowledge-intensive organizations.

3. Types of information systems: the evolution of information systems and their impact on organizational processes

3. A new paradigm for Big Data

4. Big Data Enterprise Model

5. Architecture principles for realtime Big Data systems

  • Data model for Big Data
  • Data storage on the batch layer:  scalability,  abstraction and composition, tying it all together
  • Serving layer: real-time views
  • Speed layer: stream processing
  • Incremental batch processing

4. Big Data Platforms

  • Hadoop-based analytics
  • Stream Computing
  • Data Warehousing
  • Platform services
  • Analytic Applications

5. Big Data System implementation

6. Management of Big Data Systems


  1. Nathan Marz, James Warren. Principles and best practices of scalable realtime data systems. MEAP Began, 2012
  2. Viktor Mayer-Schonberger, Kenneth Cukier.  Big Data. A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think. Eamon Dolan/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; 1 edition, 2013
  3. Tom White. Hadoop: The Definitive Guide. O'Reilly Media; 3 edition, 2012