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Бакалаврская программа «Программа двух дипломов НИУ ВШЭ и Университета Кёнхи «Экономика и политика в Азии»»

Korean Language: Basic Course

Учебный год
Обучение ведется на английском языке
Курс обязательный
Когда читается:
2-й курс, 1-4 модуль


Course Syllabus


This course is designed to provide practical skills and knowledge on the vocabulary and grammar of the Korean language to the students passed course “Basic Korean I”. The course provides students with the opportunities to develop a sufficient competency in Korean and to use it in a variety of ways to develop their communication skills. The course will focus on four skills: speaking, listening, writing and reading. It is expected that students will reach the B1 level according to CEFR (TOPIC level 3) by the end of the course. Students are also expected to acquire basic speaking and listening comprehension skills, a considerable body of basic grammar, reading and writing skills within the topics covered in class
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • The course aims at developing communicative competence – developing communicative skills through speaking, listening, reading and writing in communicative scenarios and topics chosen for the course.
  • The course aims at developing language competence – learning new language units (orthographic, phonetic, lexical, grammar) related to communicative scenarios and topics of the course; learning about language phenomena in the foreign language, about various ways of expressing ideas using the native and foreign languages;
  • It also aims at developping language competence – learning new language units (orthographic, phonetic, lexical, grammar) related to communicative scenarios and topics of the course; learning about language phenomena in the foreign language, about various ways of expressing ideas using the native and foreign languages.
  • Course aims at developping socio-cultural competence – introducing students to the culture, traditions and realia of the country whose language they are learning; developing skills of presenting their country and its culture when communicating with foreigners.
  • The course aims at developing • socio-cultural competence – introducing students to the culture, traditions and realia of the country whose language they are learning; developing skills of presenting their country and its culture when communicating with foreigners.
  • Course suggests developping cognitive competence – developing general and special academic skills; familiarizing students with available ways of autonomous learning of a foreign language and culture, ICT included.
  • The course aims at developing cognitive competence – developing general and special academic skills; familiarizing students with available ways of autonomous learning of a foreign language and culture, ICT included.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Comprehension skills: • Understand main ideas of clear standard input on matters encountered in daily and university life (Intermediate Low level) both in written and oral speech; • Fully understand texts (both oral and written) of Novice High level on topics covered during the course without a dictionary.
  • Producing skills: • Make proper word and grammar choices (Novice High level) and adjust speech and writing register to express intended meaning within topics covered during the course; • Express themselves with fluency and accuracy, both orally and in writing, on matters encountered in daily life (daily routines, likes/dislikes, habits and hobbies) and other topics covered during the course; • Engage in meaningful conversations on a variety of topics covered during the course.
  • Upon completion of the course, students will be able to identify basic Hieroglyphs (7-8 levels of Chinese characters ability test) that are necessary for reading newspapers, scientific and specialized literature and for better understanding nuances of meaning of Chinese-origin lexis which are about 60% of Korean language lexis.
  • Upon completion of the course, students will be able to identify the topic and main idea; make inference and predictions about spoke discourse; understand real-life conversation.
  • Upon completion of the course, students will be able to skim for a main idea; scan for details; summarize and paraphrase information in the text; deduce meaning from the context.
  • Upon completion of the course, students will be able to use grammatical structure accurately; compose both simple and complex sentences and texts; write well-developed and logical essays that utilized course readings and topics.
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Basic course. Bank
  • Basic course. Emotions and Mood
  • Basic course. Weather and Shopping.
  • Basic course. Impression.
  • Korean Alphabet & Pronunciation
  • Basic course. Revision and Writing test.
  • Greetings
  • Basic course. Leisure Time.
  • My family
  • Basic course. At the Hospital
  • Neighborhood
  • Basic course. Revision and Writing Test.
  • Daily Routines
  • Hanja course. Merits and demerits.
  • College life
  • Hanja course. Nearly, a grade, opposite.
  • To the college
  • Hanja course. A plan, reading, child.
  • Visiting friend’s house
  • Hanja course. Manners, a road, bright.
  • Restaurant
  • Hanja course. Half, anti-, turn.
  • Hobby
  • Hanja course. Order, illness, fundamentals.
  • Telephone call
  • Hanja course. Assemble, handle, death. Revision.
  • At the cafe
  • Hanja course. Writing test.
  • Hanja course. Stone, space, location.
  • Dormitory
  • Hanja course. Appraise, attain.
  • College club
  • Hanja course. Talent, master, win.
  • Hanja course. For the first time, believe, frame, new.
  • Hanja course. Lose, a field, nighttime, sunshine.
  • Hanja course. Job, lengthwise, warm, shift.
  • Hanja course. Far, oil, come from.
  • Hanja course. Sense, clothes, clinic, doctor.
  • Hanja course. Garden, decide, title, pour, daytime.
  • Hanja course. Special, form.
  • Hanja course. Revision.
  • Hanja course. Writing test.
  • Reading. Writing test.
  • Reading. Travel to Korea. Sightseeing.
  • Reading. Food culture in Korea
  • Reading. Holidays and festivals in Korea
  • Reading. Korean Social Culture
  • Reading. Literature
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking In-class assignment
    In-class assignment includes quizzes, dialogue practice, conversations, group discussions etc. Quizzes can be given during the first 15 minutes of a class. If you miss a class, you will have a chance to take the quiz you missed. Student who missed a class on a reason will automatically receive zero points for any quizzes and exams that were taken during the class. The student then can change this grade by taking a quiz/test after consulting with the instructor (on the date decided by the instructor) on this matter within a month. If the student does not make up for the missed class within a month, the score “zero” will be transferred into the log sheet and there will be no possibility to change it later.
  • non-blocking Homework
    After every class, you will receive a homework assignment to practice new grammar and vocabulary. It can include the following: 1. Grammar exercises; 2. Online activities for vocabulary practice (www.quizzlet.com); 3. Dialogue: You are required to listen to the dialogue and learn it by heart or repeat after audio not looking in the text. 4. Text: You are required to retell a text using the phrases from the text. 5. Writing text using given vocabulary and grammar.
  • non-blocking Unit test
    The test consists of two parts: 1) Writing test (lexico-grammatical test and sentences or texts for translation from Russian into Korean, listnening task); 2) Interview (students are required to talk to instructor on the topic of the Unit). The format and the topics of the test are subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.
  • non-blocking Mid-term exam
    Exam consists of the writing test (listnening, grammar test and translation from Russian to Korean) and the oral part (Oral exam: 1. Reading, interpreting, talk with the examiner on one of the topic covered during the semester). Student is expected using words, expressions & grammar learned in the class. Platforms: Zoom, MS-Teams
  • non-blocking Final exam
    Exam consists of the writing test (writing an essay on one of the topics covered during the course, listening task and translation from Russian to Korean) and the oral part (Reading and interpreting text and talk with the examiner on one of the topics covered during the semester). Student is expected using words, expressions & grammar learned in the class during the conversation.
  • non-blocking In-class assignment
    In-class assignment includes quizzes, dialogue practice, conversations, group discussions etc. Quizzes can be given during the first 15 minutes of a class. If you miss a class, you will have a chance to take the quiz you missed. Student who missed a class on a reason will automatically receive zero points for any quizzes and exams that were taken during the class. The student then can change this grade by taking a quiz/test after consulting with the instructor (on the date decided by the instructor) on this matter within a month. If the student does not make up for the missed class within a month, the score “zero” will be transferred into the log sheet and there will be no possibility to change it later.
  • non-blocking Homework
    After every class, you will receive a homework assignment to practice new grammar and vocabulary. It can include the following: 1. Grammar exercises; 2. Online activities for vocabulary practice (www.quizzlet.com); 3. Dialogue: You are required to listen to the dialogue and learn it by heart or repeat after audio not looking in the text. 4. Text: You are required to retell a text using the phrases from the text. 5. Writing text using given vocabulary and grammar.
  • non-blocking Unit test
    The test consists of two parts: 1) Writing test (lexico-grammatical test and sentences or texts for translation from Russian into Korean, listnening task); 2) Interview (students are required to talk to instructor on the topic of the Unit). The format and the topics of the test are subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.
  • non-blocking Mid-term exam
    Exam consists of the writing test (listnening, grammar test and translation from Russian to Korean) and the oral part (Oral exam: 1. Reading, interpreting, talk with the examiner on one of the topic covered during the semester). Student is expected using words, expressions & grammar learned in the class. Platforms: Zoom, MS-Teams
  • non-blocking Final exam
    Exam consists of the writing test (writing an essay on one of the topics covered during the course, listening task and translation from Russian to Korean) and the oral part (Reading and interpreting text and talk with the examiner on one of the topics covered during the semester). Student is expected using words, expressions & grammar learned in the class during the conversation.
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2020/2021 2nd module
    0.4 * Mid-term exam + 0.36 * Unit test + 0.12 * Homework + 0.12 * In-class assignment
  • 2020/2021 4th module
    0.12 * Homework + 0.4 * Final exam + 0.12 * In-class assignment + 0.36 * Unit test
  • 2021/2022 2nd module
    0.12 * Homework + 0.12 * In-class assignment + 0.4 * Mid-term exam + 0.36 * Unit test
  • 2021/2022 4th module
    0.36 * Unit test + 0.12 * In-class assignment + 0.12 * Homework + 0.4 * Mid-term exam


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Yeon, J., & Brown, L. (2011). Korean: A Comprehensive Grammar. London: Routledge. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=433863
  • Yeon, J., & Brown, L. (2019). Korean : A Comprehensive Grammar (Vol. Second edition). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=2092301

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Insun Lee. (2014). Elementary Korean Workbook : (Downloadable Audio Included). [N.p.]: Tuttle Publishing. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1567969
  • Kim, S., Curtis, E., & Cho, H. (2017). Korean Grammar : The Complete Guide to Speaking Korean Naturally. Rutland, Vermont: Tuttle Publishing. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1942424
  • King, R., Yeon, J., & Recorded Books, I. (2014). Elementary Korean Second Edition : (Downloadable Audio Included). North Clarendon, Vermont: Tuttle Publishing. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1567968
