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All-Moscow scientific seminar "Mathematical Methods of Decision Analysis in Economics, Business and Politics".

On February 16 (Wednesday), 2022, a regular meeting of the all-Moscow scientific seminar "Mathematical Methods of Decision Analysis in Economics, Business and Politics" took place at the National Research University "Higher School of Economics".

Seminar leaders:
Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Fuad Tagievich Aleskerov,
Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Podinovsky Vladislav Vladimirovich,
Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Mirkin Boris Grigorievich.

Theme: About network models of mass consciousness according to sociological surveys
Speaker: G.A. Satarov (INDEM Foundation), Y.N. Blagoveshchensky (INDEM Foundation)
The necessity of the network approach as a way of analyzing mass consciousness is substantiated. The method of constructing networks is described on the example of five mass surveys. The characteristics of such networks are analyzed, distinguishing them as an independent form by comparison with the characteristics of previously known networks. The specific features of the distribution of node degrees are analyzed. The structure of these networks for networks of mass political consciousness is considered. The features of these networks are compared when compared with other data on the political features of these countries. A program of expansion of work in this area is proposed.