6 ways studying IR could help in world changing
Since IR is often perceived as quite an abstract field of studies we have prepared a brief digest of several ideas which could guide you in better understanding of the essence of the realm under consideration and the prospects it offers. Broaden your horizons first with IR to find out the specialization which is really yours!
Have you ever been thinking of owning the life mission including the one which could generate initiatives for changing the world positively? Obviously, the mission could be even passive and not possess the direct influence, although the long-term affect could bring us to the substantial results. Hence, in order to set the goal it is quite crucial to realise in what area and which specific line to develop. Studying International Relations, indeed, could navigate and help to find out that particular field which attracts most and which seems to be most urgent currently. We have suggested 6 ways in which Studying IR is relevant in the 21st century and could provide outstanding solutions for global issues.
- Sophisticated Understanding of global issues: In the light of currently increasing number of global issues, including gender inequality and global movements, climate change and the national security (especially in the Asia-Pacific region) threatened by the terror invasion along with the cuber attacks. Understanding the nature of the problem and being able to propose possible solutions is what needed to be done!
- Be smart - think profoundly: *Approaching the problem critically and being able to study the issue from all the angles presented demonstrates the substantial understanding. Making the core of the problem visible could help to eradicate further expansion of the issue rather than just limit it for a while.
- Affect the Government Policy : *Be in a pressure group (public authorities) and dictate changes improving the government functioning and life conditions.
- Challenge poverty: *Changing dispute settlement mechanism in order to help the most vulnerable groups of population.
- Find out your niche: *Studying Global issues and understanding how the different realms of our versatile life function within the international framework could navigate you to define that particular niche of activity which attracts you the most.
- The post-truth era: *Misinformation has been, indeed, one of the topical issues during the last several years and if you learn how to sort the information and identify whether there is fake news or the valid data that will improve your skill of searching the right information quicker and extracting the one you are interested in and which could support your argumentation.