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Tag "ideas & experience"

Science Diplomacy as an Emerging Topic: Some Insights from Professor Pierre-Bruno Ruffini

On 21 February, 2017, Pierre-Bruno Ruffini, Professor of Economics, University of Le Havre (France) and previously Counselor for Science and Technology at the Embassy of France in Russia (2007-2010) and Italy (2010-2013), delivered the open lecture «Science Diplomacy – Basic Concepts and Key Issues» under the HSE Master`s programme «Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation» for students, scholars and practitioners.

Seminar "Cybersecurity. The Role of Government, Industry and Society"

On December 9, 2016 the seminar “Cybersecurity. The Role of Government, Industry and Society” led by Kaja Ciglic, Senior Cybersecurity Strategist Microsoft, will be held in Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia

HSE experts estimated federal policy’s impact on Russian cluster initiatives

Evgeny Kutsenko, head of HSE ISSEK Russian Cluster Observatory, presented results of a study of Russian cluster initiatives at the 56thCongress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA 2016) hosted in August by the Vienna University of Economics and Business.

Illustration for news: Royal Foresight

Royal Foresight

This summer Alexander Sokolov, director of the HSE ISSEK Foresight Centre, took part in the International Panel of Futurists (IPF) in Morocco. The Royal Institute for Strategic Studies (IRES) invited a pool of experts to suggest long-term scenarios for the country’s development, taking into account emerging global technology and social trends and the quite strong role the traditional way of life plays in this Maghreb country.

Everyday Routines of Those Reinventing the Wheel

In early August, the XIV Open and User Innovation Conference took place at Harvard Business School. Konstantin Fursov, Head of the Unit for Analysis of R&D Performance and Research Fellow at the HSE ISSEK Laboratory for Economics of Innovation, was invited to participate in this event.

Illustration for news: The phrase "if you cannot measure it – you cannot manage it" has become one of our key phrases at Seoul National University

The phrase "if you cannot measure it – you cannot manage it" has become one of our key phrases at Seoul National University

The second year students Alena Protasova and Elena Kyzyngasheva shared their experience of studying in the exchange programme at Seoul Nationa lUniversity.

Illustration for news: Test Your Knowledge in Governance of Science and Technology with Innovators' Club

Test Your Knowledge in Governance of Science and Technology with Innovators' Club

The wide-spread idea to implement evidence-based innovation policy was taken up by the students of the Master’s programme “Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation”. Having invited professors and their colleagues to discuss the most acute issues in governance of science and technology, students organized debates at the Innovators’ club to test their knowledge acquired during their studying at HSE.

Illustration for news: The first participants of the double degree programme about studying at Technical University of Berlin

The first participants of the double degree programme about studying at Technical University of Berlin

Emilie Bertram and Yulia Moiseenko, first year students of Master's programme "Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation" shared their experience of studying on the double degree programme organized by the Higher School of Economics and Technical University of Berlin

How to Assess the Efficiency of Science and Technology Policy?

On 5 April, the Head of Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation Dmitry Korotkov gave a lecture on Measurement of Science and Technology for the first year students of the Master’s Programme “Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation”.

International workshop “The Future of Agriculture: Grand Challenges and Technological Change”

The workshop will be held on 3 March, 2016 at Higher School of Economics. The discussion is organised under Horizon 2020 project “Enhanced bi-regional science, technology and innovation cooperation between the European Union and the Black Sea Region”.