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Art and Design School Announces ‘Parajanov—100: Collage / Poster’ Contest

Art and Design School Announces ‘Parajanov—100: Collage / Poster’ Contest

© HSE Art and Design School

The HSE University Art and Design School and the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University, in collaboration with the Sergei Parajanov Museum and the Artists' Union of Armenia, have announced an open contest dedicated to the centenary of Sergei Parajanov’s birth. The contest starts on March 7.

Sergei Parajanov (1924–1990) was an outstanding film director, screenwriter, and artist whose filmography includes Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors (1965), The Colour of Pomegranates (1968), Ashik Kerib (1988), and more.

Sergei Parajanov left an impressive artistic legacy of drawings, collages, assemblages, installations, mosaics, and other works. Many of them have been donated and are kept in the Memorial House in Yerevan, while others are in private collections. In memory of Sergei Parajanov and in honour of the centenary of his birth, we are announcing the PARADJANOV—100 open contest in two categories: ‘COLLAGE’ and ‘POSTER’.

About the Contest

There are two contest categories:

  • Collage
  • Poster

Anyone interested in participating can submit a project online.
The deadline for the Collage category is April 23, while the deadline for the Poster category is June 16 (both dates inclusive).

  • Contest Timeline

    March 7—April 23

    Collage category

    April 6—June 16

    Poster category

    May–August 2023

    Exhibition of finalists' works

The winners’ works will be exhibited in Yerevan at the Sergei Parajanov Museum, the Artists' Union of Armenia, and in the urban environment in May–August 2023. In addition, the winners in each category will receive cash prizes.


The total prize fund for each category is 150,000 rubles:

 First place—75,000 rubles
 Second place—50,000 rubles
 Third place—25,000 rubles

Collage Category

Collage is a fine art and graphic design technique used throughout the twentieth century by influential artists such as Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso, as well as the Russian masters Alexander Rodchenko, Vera Stepanova, Gustav Klutsis, El Lissitzky, and many other artists of the classical avant-garde.

In the 21st century, collage remains one of the most significant techniques in fine art and design. Works made in collage are accepted in this category with no restrictions on graphic genre. Artists and designers, animators, motion and digital artists are welcome to apply. The only restriction is the compulsory use of collage and/or assemblage techniques in the work.

Submit work in the Collage category

Poster Category

Works in the poster genre are accepted in this category. Possible topics include:

  • Alternative film posters for Sergei Parajanov's films or films about Sergei Parajanov. For inspiration, we suggest getting acquainted with the director's complete filmography. Posters must contain:

— the name of the film
— the director's name

  • Poster for the centenary of Sergei Parajanov’s birth. Posters must contain:

— the name Sergei Parajanov
— the number 100

Submit work in the Poster category

Contest Jury

  • Igor Gurovich — designer, artist, and Academic Supervisor of the Bachelor's in Communication Design at the HSE University Art and Design School in Yerevan.
  • Anna Lorenz — Director of MEDIAPOLIS, journalist, philologist, editor and writer.
  • Lilit Meliksetyan — Head of the Department of Russian and World Literature and Culture at RAU, literature expert, translator, creator and curator of the Art Aquarium exhibition project.
  • Anait Mikaelyan — Director of the Sergei Parajanov Museum (Yerevan).
  • Petr Nemoy — film director, New Anthropology researcher and futurologist.
  • Suren Safaryan — artist, Chair of the Artists' Union of Armenia.
  • Mitya Harshak — designer, founder and Editor-in-Chief of Projector magazine, Head of Communication Design at HSE University.

Contest Organisers

HSE University Art and Design School

Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University

Sergei Parajanov Museum

Artists' Union of Armenia

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