Tag "doctoral programmes"

‘We Facilitate High-Speed Car Crashes and Study How Car Engines Work Based on Photos of Flying Debris’

Nikita Kazeev
Nikita Kazeev holds a Candidate of Sciences degree (Russian equivalent of a PhD) in Computer Science and a PhD in Physics. He is a Research Fellow at the LAMBDA Laboratory and works at CERN. In an interview with HSE News Service, he talked about what it was like to defend his dissertation in a double doctoral degree programme at HSE University and Sapienza University of Rome, what it is like to conduct research in Geneva, and why it is imperative to communicate with colleagues.

In Pursuit of the African Migrant Experience: HSE Doctoral Student Sheds Light on an Understudied Segment of the Moscow Population

In Pursuit of the African Migrant Experience: HSE Doctoral Student Sheds Light on an Understudied Segment of the Moscow Population
At the recent seminar of the HSE International Laboratory for Social Integration Research, Isaac Olumayowa Oni, HSE doctoral student and lab research assistant, spoke about African migration to Russia. In an interview with HSE News Service, Isaac discussed his research and talked about what it’s like to study at HSE and live in Moscow.

‘It Is Very Inspiring When Someone From Outside Approves of What I Am Doing’

‘It Is Very Inspiring When Someone From Outside Approves of What I Am Doing’
Vladislav Khvostov, a second-year student of the Doctoral School of Psychology at HSE University, was recognized with a Graduate Conference Award for Student Members from the Psychonomic Society. Every year a total of 20 graduate students in cognitive psychology receive this prestigious international award in psychology. HSE News Service spoke with Vladislav about the award, his interest in cognitive psychology and research.

HSE Students and Faculty Member Receive Ilya Segalovich Award from Yandex

HSE Students and Faculty Member Receive Ilya Segalovich Award from Yandex
Four people have received this award for their achievements in the field of Computer Science: two HSE University graduate students, one doctoral student, and Sergei Obiedkov, Deputy Dean for Research and International Relations at the Faculty of Computer Science.

Dissertation Defenses at HSE University Move Online

Dissertation Defenses at HSE University Move Online
For the past month, all dissertation defenses at HSE have been conducted online. However, this format is far from new: over the past two years, more than 80% of defenses at HSE University were conducted with at least one committee member attending remotely.

European Universities to Help Shape Continuous Master’s/PhD Track at HSE

European Universities to Help Shape Continuous Master’s/PhD Track at HSE
In the 2020-2021 academic year, students of the HSE Master's Programme ‘Cognitive Sciences and Technologies: from Neuron to Cognition’ will be able to additionally apply for a continuous Master’s/PhD track. Studying in a single programme, they will participate in the international project iBRAIN, organized by leading European universities.

‘My Time at HSE Was a Turning Point’

‘My Time at HSE Was a Turning Point’
HSE master’s programme alumni and an HSE doctoral student received an international Catalyst Grant from Digital Science in support of the development of their startup, MLprior, a service for researchers and scientists. HSE News Service spoke with Vladislav Ishimtsev, one of the startup creators, about the biggest ‘thorns’ in researchers’ sides, artificial intelligence, and the possibility of a machine uprising.

HSE Doctoral Graduates Receive Their Certificates

HSE Doctoral Graduates Receive Their Certificates
This year, 117 students graduated from doctoral programmes at the HSE campus in Moscow. On November 1, they received their graduation certificates. Some of them also defended their theses under a new procedure that was introduced at HSE this year, while the others will do this within the next year.

HSE Doctoral Student Develops E-thesaurus for the Russian Language

Daniil Alexeevsky, doctoral student in Philology, presented the final part of his thesis on the development of a large electronic lexical database of the Russian language, similar to Princeton’s Wordnet.

'HSE is the Best Choice for Those Who Want to Carry out Research in Education'

Ivan Smirnov graduated from his master’s programme in Paris and hadn’t really considered coming back to Russia. But that was before he learned about the full-time advanced doctoral programme at HSE. The programme has some unique advantages among Russian programmes, which make it comparable to European PhDs.