Tag "education"

Universities Fall into Decay Because of Opposition to Changes

Universities decline not only due to a lack of money, enrollment of weak students, lack of ties with professional communities, and brain drain. Conservatism of their administration, lecturers and scholars is also an obstacle to the life-saving ‘reset’ of universities, Isak Froumin, Academic Supervisor of the HSE Institute of Education, and Mikhail Lisyutkin, Junior Research Fellow at this Institute, say in their paper ‘The Phenomenon of Degrading Universities in Russia. Stating the Problem’.

Workshop on Experimental Methods for Researchers at HSE Institute of Education

On December 12-24 a series of workshops on experimental methods for researchers by Prashant Loyalka, Leading Research Fellow of the International Laboratory for Education Policy Analysis at the HSE Graduate School of Education took place at HSE Institute of Education. He also delivered a series of lectures on ‘Quasi-experimental Research in Education’ for master’s students in Educational and Psychological Measurement.

New Technology in Education: the Russian, American and Chinese experience

The HSE University District in Perm hosted the first International Scientific-Practical Conference to discuss the new stage of development of the University−School Cluster, investment in contemporary pre-school education and innovations in education in China and the US. HSE’s Deputy Academic Supervisor, Professor of Economics, Lev Lubimov, Honorary Professor at the Teaching College, Washington University (Seattle) Steven T. Kerr (via online conferencing), Director of the HSE Institute for Educational Studies, Professor Irina Abankina and Reader at the Chinese Academy of Pedagogical Research, Tsian Xiaoyang all took part.

Extracurricular Activities Build Students' Self-esteem

Extracurricular activities continue to be popular among Russian youngsters, and most school students attend after-school clubs and classes, including those offered by their own school. Youngsters who are not involved in any after-school activities explain it by not having enough time or not having access to out-of-school programmes which are either non-existent in their community or out of their price range. These are some of the findings of a study by Daniil Alexandrov, Head of the HSE's Research Laboratory of Sociology in Education and Science (St. Petersburg), and Valeria Ivaniushina, Senior Research Fellow of the same Laboratory.

Work in their Field Helps Students Study Better

In many cases combining study and work not only doesn’t undermine a student’s achievements, it actually enhances them. The experience of working in the field you are studying at university helps better master a profession and doesn’t cause a time conflict, says Diana Yanbarisova, Junior Research Fellow at the HSE Institute of Education, in her article, published in the latest issue of the HSE’s journal Voprosy Obrazovania (Issues of Education).

Teens Choose Their Future Career Independently

The impact of family, including its cultural aspects, on a pupil’s idea of his or her future work is significantly weaker than the influence of the student’s own personal qualities, such as dedication, perseverance and desire to learn, Alexandra Yuzhaninova concluded in an article published in HSE’s Journal of Educational Studies.

The Future's in Their Hands

Sociologists have conducted research on what professions Russian parents would like their children to do in the future. The results follow the changing dynamics of the job market in recent years and show that humanities-based occupations are no longer seen as desirable.

A Professional Project Team Knows How to Pose Questions

Oleg Podolskiy is Research Fellow of the Institute of Education and Project Manager of the PIAAC in Russian Federation – this is an international survey implemented by The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). This project plays a significant role in modern science; it studies the competence of the adult population in mathematical, reading, and ICT literacy, i.e. their ability to solve complex tasks with the help of modern technologies, computer, and the Internet.

Universities Change Cities

On March 21-22 2014, an international conference ‘Saint Petersburg for Education and Reforms: Education and Global Cities’ will take place at the Alexandrinsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg.

We Have to Overcome the Crisis of Trust in Education

Yaroslav Kuzminov, HSE Rector and Head of the Russian Federation Public Chamber Commission on Education Development, participated in the discussion surrounding the draft annual report on the state of civil society in Russia.