Tag "artificial intelligence"

Justice 'Ex Machina': Using Artificial Intelligence to Fight Corruption

Justice 'Ex Machina': Using Artificial Intelligence to Fight Corruption
In Mexico, a pilot project applying artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms enabled the Tax Administration Service to detect 1200 tax-evading companies and 3500 fraudulent transactions within three months – a task that would have taken 18 months using conventional methods. Despite some obvious benefits, the use of AI-based solutions to counter corruption also entails several challenges, according to experts of the HSE Laboratory for Anti-Corruption Policy (LAP) and the HSE Faculty of Law who have examined the relevant experience of several countries. A report based on the study’s* findings was presented at the XXIII Yasin (April) International Academic Conference hosted by the Higher School of Economics.

How to Film Bruce Willis in His Absence: Deepfake Creation and Application

How to Film Bruce Willis in His Absence: Deepfake Creation and Application
In recent years, advanced technologies for creating deepfake images have made it almost impossible to distinguish them from real photos and videos. Researchers discussed the future development of deepfakes and how to protect yourself from new types of fraud during the round-table discussion ‘Fake News: An Interdisciplinary Approach’ as part of the XXIII Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development.

Flexible Yet Stable: What a Legal System in a Digital Era Should Look Like

Flexible Yet Stable: What a Legal System in a Digital Era Should Look Like
The transformation of all aspects of economic and public life due to new technologies necessitates the development of a legal framework for the application of innovation. The HSE Faculty of Law has hosted the 10th international scientific-practical conference ‘Law in the Digital Era’ online. The participants included a wide range of experts from Russian and international universities, public bodies and other organisations.

HSE University Take Part in Developing and Signing AI Code of Ethics in Russia

HSE University Take Part in Developing and Signing AI Code of Ethics in Russia
HSE University Rector Nikita Anisimov, along with the heads of many other leading Russian universities and tech companies signed the National Code of Ethics in the field of Artificial Intelligence. HSE University experts took part in the development of this document. The presentation of the code and the signing ceremony took place at the first International Forum on "Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: the Beginning of Trust".

Scientists Teach AI to Predict Bankruptcy

Scientists Teach AI to Predict Bankruptcy
Researchers of the HSE Graduate School of Business have presented a new method of forecasting bankruptcies in businesses using machine learning. The method makes it possible to fully utilize information on a company’s financial state and to make more accurate predictions than traditional statistical approaches. The research has been published in the journal Expert Systems with Applications.

Why Badly Trained AI Is a Bigger Threat Than a Robot Uprising

Why Badly Trained AI Is a Bigger Threat Than a Robot Uprising
At the present level of AI development, humanity doesn’t have to worry about a machine uprising just yet. However, the use of improperly trained AIs in important fields and attempts to use it to exercise control over people’s lives may pose a real threat in the near future. This was the topic of a seminar on ‘The Unexpected Threats of AI’ recently hosted by the HSE University Laboratory of Transcendental Philosophy.

HSE Experts Determine Who Should Be Liable for AI Actions

HSE Experts Determine Who Should Be Liable for AI Actions
According to experts of the Digital Environment Law Institute of HSE University, Artificial Intelligence (AI) may soon become a participant of the legal decision-making process, and the AI system will be entrusted with authority. Therefore, the issue of liability for ‘automated decision making’ should be addressed. HSE experts presented a special report that evaluates whether AI designers should be liable for the automated systems they create and what actions the government can take to develop AI investment projects.

‘AI Will Apply to All Activities, Having a Great Effect on Economy’

‘AI Will Apply to All Activities, Having a Great Effect on Economy’
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a fundamental component of many activities in economics and finance in recent years. On April 26,Panos Pardalos, Academic Supervisor at theLaboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Networks Analysis (LATNA at HSE Nizhny Novgorod) and Distinguished Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Florida, will talk about its impact, future developments and limitations in his honorary lecture Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Economics and Finance.

What Can Make Robots More Human-like?

What Can Make Robots More Human-like?
What is affect and why is it important for humans? How can feelings be defined and what is their relation to emotions and consciousness? What might be used in making a soft robot? Professor Antonio Damasio (University of Southern California, USA) discussed these and other questions in his honorary lecture, entitled 'Feeling, Knowing, and Artificial Intelligence'.The talk was delivered on April 16 at the at the XXII April International Academic Conference held by HSE University jointly with Sberbank.

Mass Misconceptions: Why We Should Not Worship Algorithms

Mass Misconceptions: Why We Should Not Worship Algorithms
The year 2019 ended with an important event: Russia approved its first national standards for artificial intelligence. Starting in September 2020, AI-based smart systems will need to comply with these new regulations. It is far more difficult, however, to regulate people's attitudes towards such systems. People tend to fear and idolise AI, but should they really? Henry Penikas, Assistant Professor of the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences, discusses why they probably shouldn't and how algorithms can be fooled.