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Tag "research projects"

Online avatars and trustworthiness judgments: The role of avatar customizability

On October 3 Maria S. Machneva took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report on "Online avatars and trustworthiness judgments: The role of avatar customizability".

School "Decision making in network context" and International Workshop "The 7th Murat Sertel Workshop on Economic Design, Decision, Institutions, and Organization" were held at DeCAn lab

DeCAn lab organized two events which were held from September 25 to September 28 - a school "Decision making in network context" (September 25-26, 2017) and an international workshop "The 7th Murat Sertel Workshop on Economic Design, Decision, Institutions, and Organization" (September 27-28, 2017). DeCAn faculty took part in organizing and holding these events.

The role of acculturation attitudes in the relationships of different types of social identity with the psychological wellbeing of ethnic minorities

On September 28 Ryabichenko T. took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report on "The role of acculturation attitudes in the relationships of different types of social identity with the psychological wellbeing of ethnic minorities".

Relationship between different types of identity and acculturation attitudes

On September 21 Vardikian S. took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report on "Relationship between different types of identity and acculturation attitudes".

Seminar "Cardiovascular mortality in Russia: towards a 360 degree assessment"

The sixth scientific seminar ‘Modern demography’ was held on the 20th of September. David Leon, professor of epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, associate professor at the University of Tromsø - Arctic University of Norway, presented his report on “Cardiovascular mortality in Russia: towards a 360 degree assessment".

Lecture by H. Penikas on "Regulation of the modern banking system: the concept of conflict modeling"

On Wednesday, September 20 the all-Russian seminar "Mathematical methods of decision analysis in economics, finance and politics" was held. H. Penikas gave a lecture on «Regulation of the modern banking system: the concept of conflict modeling»

DeCAn faculty visited University of Tromsø

Dean of DeCAn laboratory Professor F. Aleskerov with our faculty have visited The University of Tromsø - The Arctic University of Norway from September 10 to September 17 for a joint work with UiT on the project "High North Economics: Learning how economists work and think in Russia and Norway using theoretical models and laboratory experiments". 

Congratulation to Dmitry Sirotkin

Seminar "The research on cancer and its determinants based on the data from cancer registers: The role of cancer registers in determining the real state of oncological aid provided to the population"

The fifth scientific seminar ‘Modern demography’ of the International laboratory for population and health NRU HSE took place on the 7th of September. On this seminar researches on cancer and its determinants based on the data from cancer registers and the role of cancer registers in determining the real status of oncological aid provided to the population were discussed. Giedre Smailyte, head of the Laboratory of cancer epidemiology of the National cancer institute, Vilnius, Lithuania, Domantas Jasilionis, research scientist at the Laboratory of Demographic data of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock, Germany and Vakhtang M. Merabishvili, head of the Population based cancer register of St. Petersburg, chairman of the Scientific and methodological council for the development of information systems of the cancer service of the North-Western Federal District of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia, presented their papers.

APSA Annual Meeting 2017

APSA Annual Meeting 2017
Some of the ICSID researchers took part in the 113th American Political Science Association Annual Meeting 2017 that was held in San Francisco on August 31-September 3, 2017.