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Modern Asian Political Processes

Учебный год
Обучение ведется на английском языке
Курс обязательный
Когда читается:
1-й курс, 2 модуль


Карпов Михаил Владимирович

Course Syllabus


The proposed course belongs to the block of disciplines which provides theoretical training in Political Science, Political Institutionalism, The proposed course belongs to the block of disciplines which provides theoretical training in Political Science, Political Institutionalism, Political Economy and Social Anthropology. The proposed course is based on the following disciplines: East Asian Regional Studies; International Relations and Conflict Management; Political Science; Political Philosophy; Political Economy of Modernization in East Asia; Cultural Anthropology; Social Anthropology; Cultural History of East Asia The main academic aim of the course is to equip students with theoretical and methodological instruments for conducting theoretical and applied research in the field of Political Processes the students in Asia’ competence in recognizing and creating the balanced structure and contents of the thesis in Asian Studies as well as in assessing own research as a holistic work, its place in the field of study and contribution to it, its perspectives and challenges. Students are required to read and synthesize all materials before coming to class. In order to engage with the course material seriously, you must read all articles carefully and regularly. You are also encouraged to search and read relevant articles in Russian. Active and informed discussions are vital to the life of the course. Every student is expected to actively contribute to the scholarly exchange throughout the course. Regular contributions will help you to succeed in the seminar and will enhance the learning experience of all participants (including mine). Students are required to lead-off discussion on a rotating basis. Each week two or three students will serve as chief discussants of the readings. To successfully fulfill the course requirements students must pass end-course written exam. The exam will include theoretical and empirical questions designed by the teacher. Students will re
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • The main academic aim of the course is to equip students with theoretical and methodological instruments for conducting theoretical and applied research in the field of Political Processes the students in Asia’ competence in recognizing and creating the balanced structure and contents of the thesis in Asian Studies as well as in assessing own research as a holistic work, its place in the field of study and contribution to it, its perspectives and challenges.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Synthesises all materials in order to engage with the course material seriously.
  • Contributes to the scholarly exchange throughout the course.
  • Passes end-course written exam.
  • Seizes the key principles of Chinese family structure.
  • Analyses Japanese socio-political culture as a peculiar phenomenon in the region of East Asia.
  • Explains Socio-Political Culture, Political Processes and Institutions in Korea, Vietnam and Taiwan
  • Explains Political Processes in Contemporary East Asia and the Problem of Modernisation.
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Introduction. The Concepts of Political Culture and Political Process
    The concept of Power as the key subject of political culture. Origins and evolution of the concept of Power. The place and role of the myth of “primordial chaos” in the process of formation of political power and political legitimacy. Semantic meaning of the notions of “Power” and “Authority”. Family socialization process as the key link in formation of the concept of political power< political process and political legitimacy
  • Socio-Political Culture of the “West” and the East”: The General and the Particular
    Socio-Political Culture of the “West” and the East”: The General and the Particular. Original commonality in the concepts of political power and legitimacy in the “West” and in the Asia. “West” is “pulling away” – the processes of social and gender emancipation as the prerequisite for the formation of modern political power (authority) in the “West” – secularity, professional bureaucracy, representation (through elections), utilitarianism and efficiency. Conservation of the concept of sacral political power (authority) in Asia. Forced character of the formation of modern concepts of political power and authority in Asia
  • Socio-Political Culture and the Concepts of Political Power and Political Processes in Confucian East Asia
    The Confucian concept of personality as an element of social and gender hierarchy. The concept of socialized dependence of personality on a group as a key mechanism of socio-political identity and the space of “quest for personal safety and happiness”. The problem of relationships between the “peak” of socio-gender hierarchy (“system”) and (potential) opposition. The key principles of Confucian socialization path: taboo on aggressiveness, emotion and reflection. Socio-political cognitive dissonance. The absence of “body taboo”. The phenomenon of religious syncretism and sacral “this worldly” power. Semantic origins of “demigod” functions of political power in East Asia. Political power performance as “emotionless ritual”
  • Socio-Political Culture, Key Characteristics of Political Processes and Institution Building in China.
    Key principles of Chinese family structure: the absence of the right to primogeniture. The concept of “impeccable moral authority” of the elders. The concepts of “face”, “duty” and “shame” as cultural alternative to Christian “conscience”. Total suppression of aggressiveness. Non-articulation of “personal spirituality”. Mechanisms and typology of quasi kinship relations “guanxi”. Structures and mechanisms of political system’s integrity in traditional China. Reasons for institutional fragility in Chinese political culture. Leninist party-state in contemporary China as a mechanism of socio-political integration: combination of tradition, quasi tradition and modernity. Structure and dynamics of political processes in modern China: “xitong” and “danwei” systems.
  • Socio-Political Culture, Political Processes and Institution Building in Japan.
    Japanese socio-political culture as a peculiar phenomenon in the region of East Asia. Confucianism fixed into non-Chinese social system. Traditional Japanese family structure based on the right to primogeniture. “Blurred” character of Japanese political power and responsibility. “Always apologize but never explain”. Legitimate aggression and ritualistic emotion. Relative weakness of “impeccable moral authority” of the elders and stress on “duty” rather than on “face”. Legitimate competitiveness. Japanese peculiarities in quasi kinship “giri” relations: high degree of manifested personalization. Structure and mechanisms of integrity of traditional Japanese socio-political system. “Quazi feudalism” and the lack of centralized political power. Institution building from bottom up and reasons for sustainability of Japanese macro-structures of political power and their legitimacy. Practice of “ringi” as typical Japanese mechanism of political process and decision-making. From Shogunate to “Empire” and from “Empire” to “Democracy”: key mechanisms and impasses of the Japanese socio-political and institutional evolution.
  • Socio-Political Culture, Political Processes and Institutions in Korea, Vietnam and Taiwan
    Korean family: Confucian “moral imperative” mixed with competititveness and the notion of “latent illegitimacy” of socio-political power. The influence of military and political catastrophes on socio-political culture and institution building processes in this country. Vietnamese socio-political culture as the case which is most close to the Chinese traditional patterns. Reasons and key characteristics of differences from the Chinese model. Influence of Hinduism and Buddhism, geopolitical pressure from Chinese “North” and Hindu-Buddhist “West”. Cultural and political legacy of the French colonial rule. Military and political catastrophes and their impact on Vietnamese socio-political culture and institution building processes. Unique “multi-polar” character of Taiwanese social, cultural and political identity as a key prerequisite to formation and development of robust civil society and democratic institution building. Specific characters of multiparty system of the modern Republic of China in Taiwan as a display of intrinsic crisis of cultural and political identity
  • Conclusions. Political Processes in Contemporary East Asia and the Problem of Modernization.
    Forced and “catching up” character of socio-political and institutional modernization in East Asia. Reasons for comparatively high adaptability to political modernization in East Asia. Characteristics and dynamics of the limits on East Asian process of political modernization. The concept of “Dependent Competitiveness” (“Competitiveness vs. Group Identity).
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Attendance and Class Participation
  • non-blocking Exam
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • Interim assessment (2 module)
    0.4 * Attendance and Class Participation + 0.6 * Exam


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Грачиков Е.Н. - Геополитика Китая: эгоцентризм и пространство сетей - Русайнс - 2015 - 234с. - ISBN: 978-5-4365-0419-3 - Текст электронный // ЭБС BOOKRU - URL: https://book.ru/book/917391
  • Ирхин Ю. В. - ПОЛИТИЧЕСКАЯ КУЛЬТУРА В 2 Ч. ЧАСТЬ 2. СТРАНЫ ВОСТОКА 2-е изд., испр. и доп. Учебное пособие для академического бакалавриата - М.:Издательство Юрайт - 2019 - 249с. - ISBN: 978-5-534-08495-5 - Текст электронный // ЭБС ЮРАЙТ - URL: https://urait.ru/book/politicheskaya-kultura-v-2-ch-chast-2-strany-vostoka-438628

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Паначёва А. С. - ПОЛИТИЧЕСКАЯ КУЛЬТУРА 2-е изд., испр. и доп. Учебное пособие для академического бакалавриата - М.:Издательство Юрайт - 2019 - 237с. - ISBN: 978-5-534-08329-3 - Текст электронный // ЭБС ЮРАЙТ - URL: https://urait.ru/book/politicheskaya-kultura-437659