Кэлоф Джонатан Ларри
- Ведущий научный сотрудник: Институт статистических исследований и экономики знаний / Форсайт-центр / Лаборатория исследований науки и технологий
- Начал работать в НИУ ВШЭ в 2016 году.
- Научно-педагогический стаж: 7 лет.
Oбразование и учёные степени
Дополнительное образование / Повышение квалификации / Стажировки
2020: Программа повышения квалификации "Особенности организации учебного процесса в НИУ ВШЭ: правила и принципы, нормативные и методические вопросы, применение информационно-коммуникационных технологий"
Участие в редколлегиях научных журналов
Региональный редактор - Северная Америка, Foresight: The journal of futures studies, strategic thinking and policy (Emerald)
Член редакционного совета, Foresight and STI Governance
2014 - по настоящее время: выпускающий редактор, Frontline Safety and Security Magazine
2011 - по настоящее время: член редколлегии, Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business
1996 - 2018: член редколлегии, рецензент, International Management Review
2012 - 2013: приглашенный редактор, Foresight, The Journal of Future Studies, Strategic Thinking and Policy, Volume 14, Issue 1 (With Jack Smith)
2010 - 2012: приглашенный редактор, Foresight Journal, Special Issue on Foresight Impact
2008: приглашенный соредактор, European Journal of Marketing, Special Issue on Competitive Intelligence
2006: член редколлегии, приглашенный редактор, Journal of Competitive Intelligence and Management, issue #4
2000 - 2010: член редколлегии, рецензент, Journal of Small Business Management
Достижения и поощрения
- Благодарственное письмо ректора НИУ ВШЭ (сентябрь 2021)
Профессиональные награды
2016: награда Общества стратегической конкурентной разведки (Strategic Competitive Intelligence Society)
2015: экстраординарный профессор, награда Северо-западного университета ЮАР (North-West University South Africa)
2015: лучший профессор факультативного курса, награда Школы менеджмента Телфера (Telfer School of Management)
2015: экстраординарный профессор, Северо-западный университет ЮАР (North-West University, South Africa)
2012: научная награда Школы менеджмента Телфера (Telfer School of Management)
2010: профессор года, награда Школы менеджмента Телфера (Telfer School of Management)
2010: награда Общества профессионалов конкурентной разведки (Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP))
2009: награда Еврейской федерации Оттавы
2008: грамота Школы менеджмента Телфера (Telfer School of Management)
2007: грамота Фонда конкурентной разведки (Competitive Intelligence Foundation)
2007: награда консалтинговой компании "Frost and Sullivan"
Учебные курсы (2024/2025 уч. год)
- Competitive Intelligence (Магистратура; где читается: Институт статистических исследований и экономики знаний направление: 38.04.02 Менеджмент; 1-й курс, 3 модуль)Анг
- Competitive Intelligence (Маго-лего; 3 модуль)Анг
- Архив учебных курсов
Учебные курсы (2023/2024 уч. год)
- Competitive Intelligence (Маго-лего; 2 модуль)Анг
- Competitive Intelligence (Магистратура; где читается: Институт статистических исследований и экономики знаний направление: 38.04.02. Менеджмент; 1-й курс, 2 модуль)Анг
Учебные курсы (2022/2023 уч. год)
- Competitive Intelligence (Маго-лего; 2 модуль)Анг
- Competitive Intelligence (Магистратура; где читается: Институт статистических исследований и экономики знаний направление: Менеджмент; 1-й курс, 2 модуль)Анг
Учебные курсы (2021/2022 уч. год)
- Competitive Intelligence (Магистратура; где читается: Институт статистических исследований и экономики знаний направление: 38.04.02. Менеджмент; 1-й курс, 2 модуль)Анг
Учебные курсы (2020/2021 уч. год)
- Innovation Project Management and Competitive Intelligence (Магистратура; где читается: Институт статистических исследований и экономики знаний направление: 38.04.02. Менеджмент; 1-й курс, 2 модуль)Анг
Competitive Intelligence (2000-2016)
Government On Line (2006, 2005, 2004, 2002)
International Study Trip (EMBA) (2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2005)
Multinational Corporations and Strategies (2010, 2009, 2007, 2006, 2005)
Multinational Corporations and Strategies (EMBA) (2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005)
Multinational Management 1 (2004, 2003, 2002, 2001)
Multinational Management 2 (2004, 2003, 2002, 2001)
Seminar II: Competitive Intelligence (2011)
Seminar in Administration (2001)
Seminar in Administration 3 (2007, 2006)
Seminar: Competitive Intelligence (2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001)
Seminar: International Market Evaluation and Strategy (EMBA) (2010, 2007, 2006)
Strategic Formulation and Implementation (2015, 2014)
Strategy Formulation and Implementation (EMBA) (2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008)
Strategic Management (2015, 2014, 2013, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000)
Calof, J.L., (2001) Competitive Intelligence Handbook: An Everyday Approach, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Government of Canada Publications, Canada, 30 pages.
Редактирование монографий
Calof, J.L., Hohhof, B., (Ed.) , (2007). Conference and Trade Show Intelligence, Competitive Intelligence Foundation, Alexandria, 263 pages.
Главы в монографиях
Calof, J.L., (2015) “Creating impactful intelligence : Communication Lessons From The Corporate environment and Competitive Intelligence”, in Transforming intelligence: Communicating analysis in the 21st century, Arcos, R., Pherson, R (Eds.) , Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 72-87.
Calof, J., Fox, B., (2010) “Trade Show Intelligence”, in Competitive Intelligence Anthology, Hohhof, B (Ed.) , Competitive Intelligence Foundation, Alexandria, Virginia, pp. 37-43.
Calof, J.L., Potter, K., Potter, N., (2009) “Event Show Intelligence - Examples of Successful Competitive Intelligence Collection Projects”, in Competitive Technical Intelligence, Ashton, R., Hohhof, B (Eds.) , Competitive Intelligence Foundation, 4th volume on Topics in CI Series.
Calof, J., (2008) “Conference and Trade Show Intelligence: Jump-Start your New Function”, in Starting a Competitive Intelligence Function, Sawka, K., Hohhof, B (Eds.) , Competitive Intelligence Foundation, Alexandria, VA, 3rd volume in Topics in CI Series, pp. 121-128.
Calof, J.L., Dishman, P., (2007) “Knowledge Acquisition and Transfer”, in Trading Places: SMEs in the Global Economy - A Critical Research Handbook, Lloyd-Reason, L., Sear, L (Eds.) , Edward Elgar, UK, Chapter 9.
Calof, J.L., Fox, R., (2006) “Trade show intelligence: Intensive, exhaustive, and fun”, in CI Starter Kit, Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals, pages 6-10.
Calof, J.L., Viviers, W., (2005) “Competitive Intelligence in a Foreign Environment: German and Canadian Firms Compared”, in Multinational Enterprises, Foreign Direct Investment and Growth in Africa: South African Perspectives, Gilroy, B.M., Gries, T., Naude, W.A (Eds.) , Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag, pp. 209-228.
Calof, J.L., (1997) “The Role of Ethnic Minorities in Building a Stronger Economy and a More United Country”, in The Battle Over Multiculturalism, Cardozo, A (Ed.) , Pearson Shoyama Publishers, Ottawa.
Calof, J.L., Beamish, P.W., (1996) “The Importance of International Attitudes”, in Strategic Management Text, Readings, and Cases, Beamish, P.W., Woodcock, P (Eds.) , Richard D. Irwin, Inc., Homewood, IL, 4th edition.
Beamish, P.W., Calof, J.L., (1991) “Sterling Marking Products Inc.”, in International Management: Text and Cases, Beamish, P.W., Killing, J.P., Lecarw, D., Crookell, H (Eds.) , Richard D. Irwin, Inc., Homewood, IL.
Beamish, P.W., Calof, J.L., (1990) “Caron Fourniture Ltee - Exporting to the US”, in Strategic Management: Text, Readings and Canadian Cases, Baetz, M., Beamish, P.W (Eds.) , Richard D. Irwin, Inc., Homewood, IL, 2nd Edition.
Beamish, P.W., Calof, J.L., (1990) “The Internationalization Process for Smaller Ontario Firms: Partial Bibliography on the Internationalization Process: Deciding Between Alternative Modes and Markets”, in Research in Global Business Management, JAI Press Inc., Greenwich, CT, 1, pp. 88-92.
Статьи в рецензируемых журналах
Calof, J.L., Richards, G., Smith, J., (2015) “Foresight, competitive intelligence and business analytics - tools for making industrial programs more efficient”, Foresight Russia , 9(1): 68-81.
Calof, J., Mirabeau, L., Richards, G., (2015) “Towards an Environmental Awareness Model Integrating Formal and Informal Mechanisms - Lessons from the Demise of Nortel”, Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business , 5(1): 57-69, June.
Calof, J.L., (2014) “Evaluating the impact of technical intelligence”, Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business , 4(3): 79-90.
Calof, J.L., (2013) “The Role of Intelligence for Developing Better Government Programs : Managing What's Outside the Government Using Foresight, Intelligence, Business Analytics and Dashboards”, Securité et Stratégie , (12): 15 pages, April.
Calof, J.L., Smith, J., (2012) “Foresights Impact from around the World: A Special Issue”, Foresight (Cambridge) , 14(1): 5-14, Winter.
Calof, J.L., Miller, R., Jackson, M., (2012) “Towards Impactful Foresight: Viewpoints from Foresight Consultants and Academics”, Foresight (Cambridge) , 14(1): 82-97, Winter.
Calof, J.L., Smith, J.E., (2010) “Critical Success Factors for Government-led Foresight”, Science and Public Policy , 37(1): 31-40, February.
Calof, J.L., Smith, J., (2010) “The Integrative Domain of Foresight and Competitive Intelligence and Its Impact on R&D Management”, R&D Management , 40(1): 31-39, January.
Calof, J.L., (2008) “Competitive Intelligence and the Management Accountability Framework”, Optimum Online: The Journal of Public Sector Management , 37(4): 31-36, December.
Dishman, P., Calof, J.L., (2008) “Competitive Intelligence: A Multiphasic Precedent to Marketing Strategy”, European Journal of Marketing , 42(7-8): 766-785, Spring.
Calof, J.L., Wright, S., (2008) “Competitive Intelligence: A Practitioner, Academic and Inter-Disciplinary Perspective”, European Journal of Marketing , 42(7-8): 717-730, Spring.
Wright, S., Calof, J.L., (2006) “The Quest for Competitive Business and Marketing Intelligence: A Country Comparison of Current Practices”, European Journal of Marketing , 40(5-6): 453-465, May.
Calof, J.L., (2006) “The SCIP06 Academic Program - Reporting on the State of the Art”, Journal of Competitive Intelligence and Management , 3(4): 5-13.
Calof, J.L., Brouard, F., (2004) “Competitive Intelligence in Canada”, Journal of Competitive Intelligence and Management , 2(2): 1-21, Summer.
Nash, J.C., Calof, J.L., Nash, M., (2003) “Statistical Process Improvement, Open-Source Software, and E-commerce”, The E-Business Review , 3: 125-128.
Calof, J.L., Nash, J.C., (2003) “Towards a Theory of Internet Strategy Development: applying the Stages Theory of Internationalization”, The E-Business Review , 3: 18-21.
Viviers, W., Calof, J.L., (2002) “International Information Seeking Behaviors of South African Exporters”, South African Journal of Information Management , 4(3): 11 pages, October, (http://general.rau.ac.za/infosci/raujournal/default.asp?to=peer3vol4nr3).
Calof, J.L., Viviers, W., (2002) “The Competitive Intelligence Practices of South African Firms”, South African Journal of Business Management , 33(3): 27-37.
Calof, J.L., Vivier, W., (2001) “Creating an Intelligence Society in South Africa”, Africa Insight , 31(2): 61-67, June.
Calof, J.L., Lithwick, D., (2001) “Tools for Planning Intelligence Projects - Let's Not Waste More Valuable Project Time”, Competitive Intelligence Review , 12(1): 24-31.
Научные проекты
Инструменты повышения результативности форсайт-исследований в сфере науки, технологий и инноваций (НИУ ВШЭ, 2019 год)
Исследование инструментов прогнозирования процессов цифровой трансформации экономики и общества (НИУ ВШЭ, 2018 год)
Совершенствование методов прогнозирования для формирования доказательной научно-технической и инновационной политики (НИУ ВШЭ, 2017 год)
Научно-техническая и инновационная политика: формирование инструментов и оценка их эффективности (НИУ ВШЭ, 2016 год)
VIII Международная научная конференция "Форсайт и научно-техническая и инновационная политика", 15-16 ноября 2018, г. Москва, Россия. Презентация: "Challenges to the Sustainable Foresight in Government Departments and Agencies: Results of a Canadian Expert Panel".
XIX Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества, 10-13 апреля 2018, г. Москва, Россия. Презентация: "History of Foresight in the Canadian Government – Timelines and lessons learned".
Calof, J.L. (2015) Competitive intelligence: European practices and challenges. La 3éme Rencontre Internationale de Dakhla: Les nouveaux territoires économiques Acteurs et facteurs de l’émergence Expériences internationales compares, December 3-4, Dakhla Morocco – 12 pages.Calof, J.L. (2015) Gaining insights into markets- Environmental scanning, foresight, and intelligence practices in Europe. International Academic Conference on Foresight and STI Policy, November 19-20, Moscow Russia
Mirabeau, Laurent, Richards, Gregory and Calof, Jonathan (2015) The Arrow of Failure: How the Black Cloud Led to Nortel’s Demise. Paper presented at Strategic Management Society Conference, Denver, USA, Awarded Finalist Award.
Richards, G., Mirabeau, L., Calof, J., Mignerat, M., (2014) “A process view of organizational failure: The case of Nortel” Proceedings, Academy of Management Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, 40 pages, August.
Calof, J.L., (2013) “Lessons Learned for the Corporate Environment” Proceedings, Presenting Intelligence in the 21st Century. International Studies Association, annual conference, Toronto, ON, 11 pages, November.
Calof, J., (2012) “Where is intelligence going in North American - New Frameworks and Approaches” Proceedings, Information Systems and Economic Intelligence, 5th International Conference on Information Systems and Economic Intelligence (SIIE), Djerba, Turkey, page 12, February.
Calof, J.L., Bouthillier, F., (2011) “Evaluating Future Technology Foresight” Proceedings, The 4th International Seville Conference on "Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA)", Seville, 15 pages, May.
Calof, J., (2011) “Foresight and intelligence combined: How to develop better policies and strategies” Proceedings, IEMA - 5 Alger 2011, L'Intelligence international, Sidi Fredj, May.
Calof, J.L., Jackson, M., Miller, R., (2011) “Towards impactful foresight - advice from the advisors” Proceedings, The 4th International Seville Conference on "Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA), Seville, Spain, 9 pages, May.
Calof, J.L., Smith, J.E., (2009) “Critical Success Factors for Government Led Foresight” Proceedings, Russnano, Russian Nanotechnology Conference, Moscow, Page 543, October.
Calof, J.L., Smith, J.E., (2008) “The Integrative Domain of Foresight and Competitive Intelligence and its Impact on R&D Management” Proceedings, R&D Management Conference 2008, Ottawa, ON, June.
Calof, J.L., Smith, J.E., (2008) “The Use and Impacts of FTA for Policy and Decision Making” Proceedings, The 3rd International Seville Conference on Future Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA), Seville, pages 59-60, October.
Calof, J.L., (2008) “What Is the Domain of Intelligence? The First Phase of a Study?” Proceedings, European Competitive Intelligence Symposium, Lisbon, page 10, March.
Calof, J.L., (2007) “Trading Places: SME's in the Global Economy” Proceedings, The United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship and the Small Business Institute - USASBE/SBI Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, January.
Calof, J.L., Nash, J., (2005) “Learning Experiences: Open Source Software” Proceedings, International Conference on E-Government (ICEG 2005), Ottawa, ON, pages 69-75, October.
Calof, J.L., Miller, J., (2004) “Best practices and trends in CI-An International Comparison” Proceedings, Society of Competitive Intelligence, Boston, MA, 26 pages, March.
Calof, J.L., (2004) “Intelligence Research - Where Are We Now” Proceedings, Academy of Marketing Sciences Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, May.
Calof, J.L., (2004) “Knowledge for Innovation: Competitive Intelligence Practices in Small and Medium Sized Business” Proceedings, International Council for Small Business 49th World Conference, Johannesburg, 14 pages, June.
Calof, J.L., Dishman, P., (2004) “The Intelligence Construct in the Marketing Strategy Process” Proceedings, Academy for Marketing Sciences Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, May.
Calof, J.L., Dishman, P., (2004) “The Intelligence Process: Development and Measurement of a Concept” Proceedings, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Quebec, QC, June.
Calof, J.L., (2004) “Trade Show Intelligence - A Tool for Business Analysis” Proceedings, Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals - Europe Conference, Milan, 20 pages, October.
Calof, J.L., (2003) “Trade show experience in Canada A government, Industry, Association, Academic partnership” Proceedings, International Council for Small Business, 48th Annual Conference, Belfast, page 208, June.
Calof, J.L., Fox, B., (2003) “Trade Show Intelligence - A Networked Approach” Proceedings, Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals, Anaheim, CA, March.
Calof, J.L., Breakspear, A., (2002) “Auditing the CI Function” Proceedings, Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals, Cincinnati, OH, pages 515-519, April.
Calof, J.L., (2001) “Competitive Intelligence and the Small Firm = Requirements and Barriers” Proceedings, International Council of Small Business, Taipei, 19 pages, June.
Calof, J.L., Viviers, W., (2001) “Information Seeking Behaviors of South African Exporters” Proceedings, International Council of Small Business, Taipei, page 53, June.
Calof, J.L., (2000) “Teaching Competitive Intelligence” Proceedings, Intelligence and Education Conference, Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals, Philadelphia, PA, December.
Calof, J.L., (2000) “The Internet and Intelligence” Proceedings, Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, pages 173-176, May.
Calof, J.L., (2000) “Towards a Competitive Intelligence Construct” Proceedings, Academy of Business Administration, Vancouver, BC, April.
Опыт работы
2016 - по настоящее время: НИУ ВШЭ, Институт статистических исследований и экономики знаний, Лаборатория исследований науки и технологий, Ведущий научный сотрудник
2015 - по настоящее время: Университет Оттавы, Школа менеджмента Телфера, Профессор
1995 - 2014: Университет Оттавы, Школа менеджмента Телфера, Адъюнкт-профессор
1990 - 1995: Университет Оттавы, Факультет административного управления, Доцент
1988: Университет Западного Онтарио, Школа делового администрирования, Научный ассистент
1986 - 1987: Образовательная программа "Менеджмент", Онтарио, Преподаватель
1985: Департамент регионального и промышленного развития, Консультант
1980 - 1984: Правительство Канады, Выставочный центр, Координатор проекта по (летняя торгово-промышленная выставка)
1978 - 1986: Компания "Кэлоф Продакшнз", Президент
- Общий стаж: 7 лет
- Научно-педагогический стаж: 7 лет
«Нет лучшего времени для начинающих исследователей, чтобы заняться форсайтом»
В дни Ясинской (Апрельской) конференции ИСИЭЗ НИУ ВШЭ проводит традиционный симпозиум «Форсайт и научно-техническая и инновационная политика». Служба новостей ВШЭ поговорила с одним из его спикеров — исследователем из Канады Джонатаном Кэлофом, ведущим научным сотрудником Лаборатории исследований науки и технологий ИСИЭЗ, профессором Школы менеджмента Телфера Университета Оттавы и главой кафедры ЮНЕСКО по опережающим системам для инноваций и новых предприятий при Университете Нью-Брансуика.
‘I Can’t Think of a Better Time for Young Researchers to Work in Foresight’
Foresight and STI Policy are among the symposium topics of the XXIII Yasin International Academic Conference. How has foresight developed in Canada? How did academic life change during the pandemic? What can early-career foresight researchers expect? The HSE News Service discussed these questions with Jonathan Calof, one of the symposium’s speakers.
‘I Love Learning in a Multicultural Environment’
The Master’s programme in Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation at HSE University has long been popular with international students due to the versatility of its curriculum, strong practical focus, and talented faculty. International students of the programme talk about the advantages of the programme, their favourite courses, and career aspirations.
‘I Like That the Professors Are Invested in Our Learning’
The master’s programme in Governance of Science, Technology, and Innovation offered by HSE ISSEK aims to equip students with skills that are in short supply in the private and public sectors. Courses and internship work give students a global perspective on science, technology, and innovation in addition to showing them how to be effective managers and conduct evidence-based assessment. Students also have the option of pursuing a double degree with a partner university in Europe and Asia. Francisco Jose Contreras Alarcon (Chile) and Ilaria Billo (Italy) share their experiences working towards double degrees in the programme.
COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE: help your business compete
Prof. Jonathan Calof delivered a compact course on Competitive Intelligence from November, 26, till December, 12 to 1st year students. He introduced Competitive Intelligence as theoretical and practical concept for the company’s strategy formulation.
Журнал «Форсайт»: №3, 2018
В новом выпуске журнала «Форсайт» рассматривается опыт разных стран в управлении инновациями в государственном и частном секторах.
Инновационные стратегии государства и бизнеса
В новом номере журнала Форсайт (Т. 12, № 3) рассматривается опыт разных стран в управлении инновациями в государственном и частном секторах.
Как корпоративный форсайт помогает компаниям подготовиться к будущему, а студентам выбрать перспективное место работы
Уже на протяжении трех лет одним из самых популярных курсов по выбору является «Корпоративный форсайт». Директор курса, заведующий отделом исследований цифровой экономики, доцент Департамента образовательных программ ИСИЭЗ НИУ ВШЭ Константин Вишневский и ведущий научный сотрудник Лаборатории исследований науки и технологий, профессор университета Оттавы Джонатан Кэлоф рассказывают, чем интересен студентам курс.