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Master Thesis

To be successfully awarded a Master-degree students should submit and defend their Master thesis. The Master thesis and project work can and most probably will be of the close topic. The project work is much shorter, practical oriented and contains smaller research. The students can have the same person supervising both their project and Master thesis. The applications for Master thesis topic should be submitted in November of the second year of studies.

Important Deadlines

October 10 - November 01. Application for the Master Thesis topic

Student should upload the Thesis topic indicating the name and surname of the Supervisor into the LMS System. Academic Council of the Educational Programme should verify the copliance of the thesis topic with the direction of the Programme.

November 15. Submission of the application

Application for the Master thesis topic, filled by the student should be uploaded to the special form.

April 1. Change of the topic / Supervisor

In case of change of the thesis topic/Supervisor, the student should upload the new title into LMS system ( block 'Course Themes")

April. Assignment of the reviewers

Students provide the following information about the reviewrs to the Study Office:

- Full name

- Place of work

- Contact information

May 20. Submission of the Master Thesis paper

Students should upload the final version of the thesis into the LMS System to inspect for the plagiarism.

June 13-14. Master Thesis Defense

Regulations and templates:

Master thesis regulations Master Thesis Regulations 
Research areas and proposed topics by supervisor

Research area 

Master thesis application

Master thesis application form

Master thesis topic/supervisor change template

MA thesis supervisor change 

MA thesis topic change

Front page of MT

Front Page (template)  

Research advisor’s review

Supervisor’s Review Template 

External Review

External Review Template