Student Profiles

Graduate 2023
Education: Eurasian National University (Kazakhstan)
Achievements: Teaching assistant
Graduate 2021
Education: Foundation University Pakistan (Bachelor’s Honor in Psychology)
Present Research Interest: International Developmental Cooperation, Ethics of War, Robots & A.I in Modern Warfare, Transnational Mechanisms of Illegal Migration, Humanitarian Interventions, Foreign Aid and Assistance Failures
Achievements: Selected as an Intern for the “Global Surge Desk” of the International Federation of the Red Cross Red Crescent Societies at the Global Headquarters (Geneva, Switzerland 2018); International Volunteer with the Russian Red Cross, Moscow & Moscow Oblast (09/2018 – 2020); Intern at the United Nations Liaison Office, Moscow, Russian Federation (January 2019 – March 2019)
Graduate 2021
Education: University of Firenze (Bachelor in History)
Present Research Interest: mortality in Russia and the Baltic countries
Achievements: co-author of the book "Eurasia. Dall'Atlantico al Pacifico con il gas naturale", documenting a car travel from Italy to Vladivostok and back
Graduate 2021
Education: University of Dhaka, Bangladesh (Bachelor and Masters in Anthropology)
Present Research Interest: climate Demography of Bangladesh
Achievements: executive editor, Peoples Preface - a Journal of Research Initiatives is a peer-reviewed journal publishes articles in open ground to promote the author and building capacity on various multidisciplinary research issues
Graduate 2021
Education: University of Cape Coast (BSc. Psychology)
Achievements: participant, Gaidar Forum – Moscow, 2018;
participated in 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference on the theme: “Marketing and Management in Education” - Russian State University for Humanities;
delegate, 3rd edition of Model United Nation conference (MUN) - Amsterdam University College,Netherlands;
participant - IV international scientific and practical conference of Young scientist (Higher School of Economic, 2018)
Graduate 2021
Education: Macau University of Science and Technology, China (Bachelor of laws)
Achievements: participated in Scientific Seminar of the Association of Chinese Postgraduates and Scientists in (Russia, 2018)
Graduate 2019
Education: University of Bristol (United Kingdom)
Achievements: participated in the conference Gaidar Forum (Russia, 2018); participated in the regular seminar "Migration studies": Mikkel Rytter (2018)
Graduate 2021
Education: University for Development Studies,(Major: BSC Development Planning)
Research interest: plan preparation and its implementation at the district levels in Ghana
Achievements: participated in the conference Gaidar Forum (Russia, 2018); Participated in III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Marketing and Management in Education" held in Russian State University for the Humanities; Participated in the 3rd edition of the Model of United Nation (MUN) in Amsterdam University College; Participated in IV international scientific and practical conference of Young scientist in HSE
Graduate 2019
Education: University for Development Studies, IDS (Environment and Resource Management)
Research interest: solid waste management, Sustainable development;
Internship: Liaison Office with the Russian Federation (LOR) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) (January- March 2019)
Graduate 2019
Country: Bangladesh
Education: Bachelor of Social Science in Anthropology, University of DhakAchievements: participated in Gaidar Forum (Russia, 2018), participated in World Youth Forum (2018, Egypt)
Aduo-Adjei Kofi
Graduate 2018
Education: University of Cape Coast
Achievements: participated in the conference The Young Leaders for Health (Berlin, Germany, 2017) ; made a presentation at « “IX Valentey’s readings ʻDemographic Education and Studying Population at Universities »; winner in Public Administration subject area of the Student Research Paper Competitionв (HSE, 2017); participated in the 9th Demographic Conference of “Young Demographers” (Charles University, Prague, 2018)
Umesi Love Ugonna
Graduate 2018
Education: Государственный Университет ИМО, Бакалавр Социологии
Achievements: participated in XIX World Festival of Youth and Students (Russia, Sochi, 2017 );
1st place in Public Administration subject area of the Student Research Paper Competitionв (HSE, 2017); made a presentation at «IX Valentey’s readings ʻDemographic Education and Studying Population at Universities »
Graduate 2018
Education: Moscow State University of Education, Bachelor of Science in Sociology
Achievements: участник 12-ой Международной конференции «Хорошее общество – многогранный подход» (Албания, 2017); участница 6-ой Международной Летней школы (НИУ ВШЭ, Москва, 2017); назначена Повышенная государственная академическая стипендия за научно-исследовательскую деятельность (сентябрь - декабрь 2017)
Ola Bamidele Emmanuel
Graduate 2018
Education: University of Ado Ekiti, Bachelor of Science in Sociology
Achievements: participated in XIX World Festival of Youth and Students (Russia, Sochi, 2017 ); ;
участник II Всероссийский молодежный научный форум "Наука будущего – наука молодых" , Нижний Новгород, 2017 г.;
made a presentation at « “IX Valentey’s readings ʻDemographic Education and Studying Population at Universities »; 8th African Population Conference, held in Entebbe Uganda (18th - 23rd November 2019)
Graduate 2017
Education: Bachelor of Business Education majoring in Strategic Management (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Achievements: Internship at Неаполитанском университете имени Фридриха II (Неаполь) , 2017 г.
Graduate 2017
Education: University of Cape Coast, (b.a economics and mathematics)
Achievements: Summer School 2016 (Гейдельбергский университет, Germany, 2016 г.)
Graduate 2017
Education: University of Cape Cape
Achievements: Summer School 2016 (Университете Потсдама, Бранденбурге, 2016)