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Following the project public defense held on November 7th-8th, 2016, the winners of the Student Initiative Competition have been announced. This year 84 entries were submitted to the competition, and 34 participants were invited to defend their projects before the Fund Council.
November 14, 2016
Online orders for a wide range of printed products, from business cards to large-scale blueprints, photo books or calendars, are now available on the HSE Printing House website (currently in Russian). You can order and pay online, and collect your order at any one of nine offices located in various HSE buildings. These printing services are available not only to HSE students and staff, but to anyone.
November 14, 2016
On November 1–3  an international youth conference Physica.SPb/2016, organized by the Physics and Technology Institute A.F. Joffe, was held in St. Petersburg. Not only scientists from Russia, but also from leading universities of Europe took part in the event. About 200 young researchers presented their poster reports at the conference.
November 09, 2016
On November 1st, the list of 2017 Class AMS Fellows has been made public. According to the mission of the program, 'the Fellows of the American Mathematical Society programme recognizes members who have made outstanding contributions to the creation, exposition, advancement, communication, and utilization of mathematics.'
November 08, 2016
On November 8th, 2016, The HSE Faculty of Business and Management, in cooperation with the ‘Blood Centre’ federal agency, organized a donor campaign which aims to help people needing an urgent blood transfusion.
November 08, 2016
As in previous years, this November HSE is launching a series of comprehensive annual surveys on university life. The surveys are conducted by the HSE Centre for Institutional Research, and traditionally, students and graduates are the first to be invited to participate.
November 07, 2016
On November 4th, 2016, students from many countries took part in an online broadcast to discuss the final stage of the US presidential campaign 2016. The event was organized by the Global Campus Network at Ryerson University, Toronto. Two students from HSE's Faculty of Communications, Media, and Design delivered their report from the HSE Media Centre.
November 07, 2016
This year 84 applications were submitted for participation in the competition. Almost 4000 people took part in the first stage of the selection, consisting of expert reviews and public evaluation of the proposals.
November 03, 2016
The University has adopted new regulations on the formats used in signs, pointers and announcements regarding events held within University grounds. They will now need to follow one template and must display the names and contact details of those responsible for the event.  Will these regulations be used for student events, and does this mean there is one template for all announcements? We look into it.
November 02, 2016
The Microsoft Hackschool for students was held in Moscow on October 14-15. Microsoft experts and Microsoft partner students helped identify the best projects during the event that could change students’ lives.
October 27, 2016
Karelia, Mount Elbrus, Bulgaria, Georgia, Krasnaya Polyana, and Andorra - this winter the Extreme Sports Club invites students, alumni and HSE staff members to set off for winter adventures. While many of the events have already become solid HSE traditions, some of them are being held for the first time. The projects are supported by HSE Department of Physical Training.
October 26, 2016
HSE and East-China Normal University (ECNU) have signed a new student exchange agreement expanding the range of opportunities for student mobility in all areas of studies, including social studies, humanities, and philosophy, as well as computer science, mathematics, and physics. The agreement was signed as part of the ECNU delegation’s visit headed by Tong Shijun, chairman of the ECNU University Council, to HSE.
October 26, 2016