
Norwegian Professor to Discuss Latest Trends in Higher Education Research at Upcoming Conference

Professor Bjørn Stensaker, who teaches in the Department of Education at the University of Oslo, will be the plenary speaker at the 8th International Conference on Higher Education Research organized by the Russian Association of Higher Education Researchers in Moscow. The conference is due to take place October 19-21. In a recent interview with the HSE News Service, Professor Stensaker spoke about his latest research and the trends he sees in higher education, including the growing role of technology.

Study Explains Selectivity of Media Coverage

Study Explains Selectivity of Media Coverage
A large number of deaths in a mass tragedy may not be important enough for the event to become the top news story of the day: its perceived saliency depends on whether it is part of the broader media agenda, according to a study of Russian media coverage of three different tragedies which occurred on the same day in December 2016, namely the assassination of the Russian ambassador in Turkey, a mass poisoning by alcohol-containing hawthorn lotion in Irkutsk and a terrorist attack in Berlin.

New Issue of 'Foresight and STI Governance' is Available

The new special issue of the Foresight and STI Governance journal (vol. 11, № 3) is devoted to various aspects of innovative entrepreneurship in transition economies. Researchers and experts from Russia, Germany, Poland, Slovenia, and Turkey share their views on the topic.

'From the Very Beginning HSE Has Prided Itself on Full Openness and Clear Rules'

'From the Very Beginning HSE Has Prided Itself on Full Openness and Clear Rules'
Evgeny Yasin, HSE Academic Supervisor, Tenured Professor, PhD in Economics, Professor in the Faculty of Economics, Academic Council member, and Academic Supervisor of the Expert Institute spoke on his scientific interests, research projects and achievements, as well as shared his thoughts on HSE research development.

Immeasurable Hardiness of Character

Immeasurable Hardiness of Character
The Grit Scale questionnaire has gained popularity over the past decade, not only in research but also in practical psychology and in employee selection. The questionnaire is used to measure 'grit' – a personality trait which combines perseverance in reaching one's goals, on one hand, and consistency of one's interests over time, on the other. HSE researchers have found a way to prove that 'grit' is not a single personality trait and the Grit Scale measures two independent constructs.

BRICS Global Business and Innovation

From September 14th – 15th, 2017, the first International BRICS Global Business and Innovation Conference took place at HSE in St. Petersburg. Scholars from all over the world came together to discuss the most pressing issues of global business and innovation in the context of BRICS as a factor of competition and sustainable development in era of growing uncertainty.

We Were Not Afraid of Changing Inefficient Institutions

The latest issue of Higher Education in Russia and Beyond informational journal is dedicated to HSE’s 25th anniversary. The issue opens with an interview with HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov, where he talks about how the University was originally formed, its guiding principles and the development trajectories it aims to pursue.

HSE MIEM Student on Internship at CERN

HSE MIEM Student on Internship at CERN
Elena Orlova, a fourth year student in Applied Mathematics at MIEM, took part in a summer school at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland). As part of the GeantV Software Developer Team, she relied on machine learning to model the transition of elementary particles through matter.

Available and Involved. How Fatherhood Changes in Russia

A new understanding of masculinity creates more opportunities for both parents: the husband can find self-actualisation both at work and in the family, while the wife can have a career alongside rearing children.

Revival of Old Capital

Revival of Old Capital
In their article '"Nomadic" Toponymy: Urban Transport System as Driving Force of Moscow Toponyms', HSE scholars look at how the Moscow Metro shapes the local mentality and keeps the city’s history alive.