Research & Expertise

Fourth Summer School on Test Development Held at Institute of Education

In late July 2017, IOE held its fourth international summer school 'Test Development in Psychology and Education: Theory and Practice'. Organized by the IOE Center for Monitoring the Quality in Education, the School aimed to provide a dynamic venue for learning about the latest advances in psychometric research and assessment design.

Victims Rather Than Enemies

Victims Rather Than Enemies
A series of in-depth interviews conducted by HSE researchers reveal what young residents of Dagestan think of their peers who have joined ISIL. The latter tend to be perceived as victims of brainwashing and unresolved social problems rather than enemies, the study shows.

When Russian Teenagers Start Drinking

When Russian Teenagers Start Drinking
High school students intending to pursue vocational education consume alcohol more often than their peers who are planning to go to universities. These findings come from a survey of 1,000 Russian high school students that was carried out as part of a joint research project by scholars from HSE and New York University.

Faculty of Computer Science Staff Attend International Conference on Machine Learning

Faculty of Computer Science Staff Attend International Conference on Machine Learning
On August 6-11 the 34th International Conference on Machine Learning was held in Sydney, Australia. This conference is ranked A* by CORE, and is one of two leading conferences in the field of machine learning. It has been held annually since 2000, and this year, more than 1,000 participants from different countries took part.

First-year Student of MIEM Spoke at 19th IEEE CBI ’17

From July 24th to 27th, 2017, the 19th Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Conference on Business Informatics took place in Thessaloniki, Greece. Over 100 experts took part in the event, and among the speakers was Pavel Abramov, first-year student of the HSE MIEM programme in Information and Computer Science.

Graduate School of Urbanism and AA School of Architecture Hold Joint Workshop in Moscow

Graduate School of Urbanism and AA School of Architecture Hold Joint Workshop in Moscow
On July 17-28 an intensive course titled ‘In-transition lab: Structure as an Urban Catalyst’ by the Vysokovsky Graduate School of Urbanism (Moscow) and the Architectural Association School of Architecture (London) was held at Moscow’s Shukhov lab.

HSE Book Series Published by Springer

Springer, one of the world's leading publishers of scientific literature, has launched a new book series, entitled ‘Societies and political orders in transition’. The series has been initiated by the HSE Faculty of Social Sciences, and three HSE representatives are members of the series International Advisory Board, with the other four members coming from universities in Germany, UK and the USA.

How Women Perpetuate Gender Stereotypes

How Women Perpetuate Gender Stereotypes
In a conservative society, women as well as men tend to hold sexist attitudes towards other women, treating them with disrespect and criticising them either for being too feminine and sexual or for taking on traditionally 'male' roles. This type of gender bias assumes a limited range of 'female' roles in society. Misogyny and distrust of women's abilities can generate a fear of femininity, according to Olga Savinskaya and Elizaveta Zakharova's paper Using Mixed Methods to Study Internalised Misogyny among Millennial Women.

Alexander Lukin Took Part in Conference in Singapore

Alexander Lukin Took Part in Conference in Singapore
On August 3, 2017 Alexander Lukin, Head of the School of International Affairs, took part in the international conference ‘International Relations Theory and the Sino-Russian Relationship after the Cold War’ and presented the report on ‘Russian-Chinese Rapprochement and the Changing International System’.

Who is the Head of the Household?

Who is the Head of the Household?
In Russia, self-estimates of time spent doing housework stand at five hours a day for women and slightly more than three hours a day for men.Men's involvement in household chores is relatively low, but Russian society finds this fair, according to Svetlana Biryukova, Alla Makarentseva and Ekaterina Tretyakova's study 'Perceptions of Time Spent on Housework among Men and Women'.