Tag "HSE April Conference on Economic and Social Development"

Fifth Antimonopoly Package Officially Unveiled at the April Conference

Fifth Antimonopoly Package Officially Unveiled at the April Conference
The search for consensus on antitrust law in the digital age, when traditional instruments stop working, is a complex affair. Participants in the plenary session ‘A New Phase of Antimonopoly Policy: Presenting the 5th Antimonopoly Package’ at the HSE’s XIX April International Academic Conference, engaged in heated debate about the potential consequences of introducing fundamentally new legislative norms.

‘Russia’s Economy Has Almost Exhausted Its Opportunities for Catch-Up Growth’

What is happening in the Russian economy, how can its growth be boosted, and why can it no longer develop through inertia? These were the issues discussed at the plenary session ‘Prospects for the Russian economy’ that took place as part of the XIX April HSE International Academic Conference.

April Conference Features Discussion of Ways to Boost Budget Revenue

April Conference Features Discussion of Ways to Boost Budget Revenue
Budget policy remains one of the government’s key tools for improving quality of life and solving problems concerning poverty and inequality. But in order for the budget to grow, additional sources of revenue are needed. The first plenary session of the XIX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development featured a discussion of what these sources might look like.

‘At the Conference We’ll Be Talking about Different Facets of Life in Russia: From New Investment Policy to the Digital Economy’

‘At the Conference We’ll Be Talking about Different Facets of Life in Russia: From New Investment Policy to the Digital Economy’
Today, the XIX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development begins. HSE Academic Supervisor Evgeny Yasin talks about the main topics that will be covered at the conference, as well as some of the participants.

Exploring Growth Patterns in Russia’s Largest Cities

Robert Buckley, a senior fellow in the Graduate Program in International Affairs at The New School in New York City, works largely on issues relating to urbanization in developing countries. At the upcoming XIX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, he will be participating a roundtable on Urbanization and Economic Development during which he will give a presentation entitled ‘The Morphology of Large Russian Cities: Patterns and Conjectures’.

From Research on the Arctic to the Rethinking of Marx: What to Expect at the 19th April Conference

On April 10, the XIX April International Academic Conference begins at HSE and will examine economic and social development. 1733 participants are registered and, of these, 264 are from abroad. Fuad Aleskerov and Andrei Yakovlev, members of the Programme Committee, explain what awaits us at the conference.

Examining the Digital Humanities from a Geopolitical and Technocritical Perspective

Gimena del Rio Riande, a researcher at the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET, Argentina), studies the development, use, and methodologies of scholarly digital tools, as well as how new scientific fields like digital humanities are ‘born’ in a country where technological issues are part of the social, cultural and economic context. At the upcoming XIX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, she will be giving a lecture entitled ‘Understanding Cultural Persistence and Change’.

Russian National Award in Applied Economics

On April 11, the awards ceremony for the Russian National Award in Applied Economics will take place as part of the XIX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development.

‘Artists and Designers Play a Crucial Role in Establishing a Vision of Humanity That Is Sustainable, Equitable and Ethical’

Dr Laini Burton, Senior Lecturer and QCA Honours Program Director at the Queensland College of Art in Australia, studies body politics, bio-art and design, fashion theory, performance and body/spatial relations. At the upcoming XIX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, she will be delivering a presentation entitled ‘Inside Out: Prosthetic Organs as Wearable Art’.

Chavez, Morales, Erdogan... Why voters may support non-democratic rule? Interview with Milan Svolik

Chavez, Morales, Erdogan... Why voters may support non-democratic rule? Interview with Milan Svolik
On April 11 during the XVIIIth April International Academic Conference in HSE Professor Milan Svolik (Yale University) made his honorary presentation "When Polarization Trumps Civic Virtue: Partisan Conflict and the Subversion of Democracy by Incumbents". After his presentation Milan Svolik had a meeting with PoliSci students participating in the research project "50 shades of authoritarianism” (Prof. Andrei Melville). We managed to talk with Prof. Svolik on the margins of the conference.