Tag "HSE April Conference on Economic and Social Development"

‘Russia’s Present Attracts Great Interest Now, and the Same Is True of Russia’s Past’

Yoshisada Shida, Research Associate at the Hitotsubashi University, Japan, will be one of the speakers at the XIV HSE April International Aca­demic Conference on Economic and Social Development. He gave a special interview for the HSE News Service.

‘The Main Topic of the April Conference is Human Capital’

Evgeniy Yasin, Academic Supervisor of the HSE, on the main themes and participants of the April Conference.

‘In the Context of a Strong Demographic Policy’

Dr. Jose Antonio Ortega from the University of Salamanka (Universidad de Salamanca) will be one of the speakers at the XIV HSE April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. He gave a special interview to the HSE news service.

HSE and the International Year of Statistics

This year HSE is taking part in the International Year of Statistics. We asked Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics Alexey Ponomarenko to tell us about the events which are planned in connection with it, including those at the April Conference.

‘I Decided To Get Closer To Where Things Actually Happen’

Interview with Jean Guinet, participant of the XII International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, who will head the new Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies which was created last year at the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge.

'Russia Has A Very Good Analytical Capability'

Interview with Ian Miles, participant of the XII International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, Professor at the University of Manchester and Academic Supervisor of the Research Laboratory for Economics of Innovation which was created last year as part of the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge.

Scenarios and challenges of macroeconomic policy

Report at the XII International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, Moscow, 5–7 April, 2011

Mode of life and living standards of Russian population in 1989–2009

Report at the XII International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, Moscow, 5–7 April, 2011