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Regular version of the site

Master Thesis

Deadlines for Year 1

  • December 1st, 2023

    master thesis topic approval by Academic Director (through application form sent to the study office)

  • April 5th, 2024

    master thesis title/research advisor change (through application form sent to the study office)

  • May 10th, 2024

    upload of first chapter to lk.hse.ru for antiplagiarism check and submission  to research advisor through e-mail with CC to MIB office

  • May 13th - 24th, 2024

    master thesis first chapter defenses during research seminars

Deadlines for Year 2

  • December 1st, 2023

    master thesis topic approval by Academic Director (through application form sent to the study office)

  • March 20th, 2024

    master thesis title/research advisor change  (through application form sent to the study office)

  • April 5th, 2024

    submission of full draft to research advisor (failure to submit a draft may result in deduction of 2 points from the final grade)

  • May 10th, 2024

    upload of final version of master thesis to LMS for antiplagiarism check and submission to research advisor and MIB office by e-mail

  • May 15th, 2024

    submission of advisor's review and antiplagiarism report to MIB office

  • May 20th, 2024

    submission of opponent's review to MIB office

  • May 25th - June 4th, 2024

    master thesis defense period

Application forms and documents

To submit your topic to the MIB study office, please use this form:

Master Thesis Application Form 

You should make sure it is signed both by you and your research advisor. Choosing a consultant is optional.
If your topic was approved but you wish to change it or change your research advisor, you can do so until March 20 by submitting the following documents to the MIB study office:
Master Thesis New Topic Application

Thesis New Advisor Application 

If you wish to postpone the deadline for your master thesis submission, please use the following form:

Application for change of Master Thesis submission deadline

Please note that the deadline for master thesis submission can be postponed only for medical reasons.

When writing your thesis, please use the following title page sample:

Master Thesis Title Page 

The forms for research advisor's and opponent's reviews:

Master Thesis Advisor's Review Form 

Master Thesis Opponent's Review Form 


Presentation Template in English 

MT Defense Lists and State Certification Boards 2024  

Procedure for Appealing the Results of State Final Certifications