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HSE Launches English-Language Strategic Development Website

HSE Launches English-Language Strategic Development Website

© HSE University

The new website makes information on the university’s strategic development initiatives and opportunities available to international colleagues and partners. The Strategic Development Programme Office has launched an English-language website to promote the implementation of HSE University’s integrated development programme. The website is an ‘entry point’ for international partners and students, informing them about the university’s strategic priorities, goals, and plans.

The website provides an overview of HSE University’s current initiatives in key development areas, accompanied by success stories and best practices formed as mini cases. 

The news section of the website features ongoing updates on HSE University’s strategic development progress. The strategic development team also plans to add a monitoring section, which will include annual presentations of key development results and KPIs. 

In addition to being informative, the new website aims to involve international students, researchers, universities, and associations in HSE’s transformation process. To this end, the website has a dedicated section with links to HSE’s educational programmes, relevant research projects, and other opportunities for cooperation.

The strategic development team believes that the new website will be an effective tool for communication between HSE and its key stakeholders, thus contributing to the university’s strategic transformation.

Elena Odoevskaya

Vice Rector responsible for coordinating Strategic Development

HSE is a world-class national research university. Our university is significantly improving its performance in global institutional and subject rankings. In 2023, the university experienced a substantial increase in the number of international master’s degree applicants. We have international postdocs from 18 countries. Our partnerships with Asian-Pacific, African and South American countries are developing rapidly. In 2023, the HSE campus in St Petersburg opened three new ‘mirror labs’ in cooperation with our partners from Malaysia, Indonesia and Uzbekistan. We are planning to implement a number of large-scale international projects in 2024–2025 as part of the university’s integrated development programme. The new English-language website will provide our international partners and students with relevant information about our strategic goals, key initiatives, and results, thereby helping us to create a global community of those who share our drive for academic excellence.

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