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Current Trends in Language Teaching

Учебный год
Обучение ведется на английском языке
Курс по выбору
Когда читается:
4-й курс, 1, 2 модуль


Course Syllabus


Though languages have been taught and learnt for centuries, the methods of language teaching are still subject to scientific scrutiny. As this sphere is still evolving, new approaches to language teaching appear. In this course we will trace the development of ELT and get acquainted with the approaches to language teaching that exist today. By the end of the course students will be able to use the elements of such approaches as the communicative approach, the lexical approach, the task-based approach, etc. in their teaching. We will also consider the ways in which technology can be integrated in language teaching, and the difference between online and offline language learning will be discussed.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • By the end of the learning period students will be able to: - identify current approaches to language teaching; - use some elements of the approaches in teaching; - use IT tools in language teaching, including distance language teaching. As a result, students will be able to reasonably use elements of current approaches to language teaching and current technology in practise.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • combine elements of various approaches in a principled manner
  • create some types of assessment materials and rubrics
  • engage and motivate students in traditional and distance classrooms
  • know current approaches to assessment
  • know psychological theories underlying current teaching methods
  • know the historical background of current teaching methods
  • know the theoretical underpinnings and principles of current approaches to language teaching
  • know theoretical underpinnings and principles of current approaches to language teaching
  • make lessons learner-centered and learning-centered
  • plan lessons within the frameworks of current approaches
  • use information technologies in language teaching
  • use techniques suggested by current approaches
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Historical background.
  • The Communicative Approach.
  • Current approaches to language teaching.
  • Active learning.
  • Student-centered teaching.
  • IT in language teaching.
  • Current approaches to assessment.
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Presentations and Written task
    The tasks will be fulfilled and submitted via SmartLMS. If a student does not submit the assignment on a due date, they may submit it within a week after the due date, but they will lose three points off their final grade for this assignment.
  • non-blocking online course
  • non-blocking auditory
    the instructor can assess students’ participation in discussions, homework completion, participation in groupwork; short quizzes and dictation tasks are also assessed; the mean is calculated at the end of the semester
  • non-blocking Microteaching
    students work in small groups to plan, conduct, and self-assess a lesson
  • non-blocking Exam
    The examination is written. It includes two parts. Question 1 is a written response to a theoretical question making students analyse and compare current approaches to language teaching. Question 2 is a plan of a lesson based on the current approaches supported by relevant argumentation. Экзамен проводится в письменной форме синхронного прокторинга в MSTeams. The exam is conducted in written form with synchronous proctoring at MSTeams. The exam is held on the SmartLMS platform. You must join MSTeams session 5 minutes before the start. To participate in the exam, you need to turn on the camera, microphone, connect to SmartLMS, and start doing tasks. During the exam, students shouldn't: communicate (on social networks, with people in the room), cheat, transfer their version of the exam to other people to complete it, using textbooks and notes. During the exam, students are allowed to type the answer in the appropriate box. A short-term communication interruption during the exam is considered to be a communication interruption of up to 10 minutes. A long-term communication interruption during the exam is considered to be a communication interruption of 10 minutes or more. If there is a long-term communication failure, the student cannot continue to participate in the exam. The retake procedure is the same as the exam procedure. Students can be exempt from examination if they have more that 4 which is calculated with the formular Ofinal/0,7
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2021/2022 2nd module
    0.3 * Exam + 0.2 * Microteaching + 0.2 * Presentations and Written task + 0.1 * online course + 0.2 * auditory


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Kaplan R. B. (ed.) The Oxford handbook of applied linguistics. – Oxford University Press, 2010.
  • Мильруд Р. П. - ТЕОРИЯ ОБУЧЕНИЯ ИНОСТРАННЫМ ЯЗЫКАМ. АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК 2-е изд., пер. и доп. Учебник для вузов - М.:Издательство Юрайт - 2019 - 406с. - ISBN: 978-5-534-11977-0 - Текст электронный // ЭБС ЮРАЙТ - URL: https://urait.ru/book/teoriya-obucheniya-inostrannym-yazykam-angliyskiy-yazyk-446581

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Ellis, R. (2012). Language Teaching Research and Language Pedagogy. Malden, Mass: Wiley-Blackwell. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=430951
  • Ellis, R. (2017). Oral corrective feedback in language teaching: A historical perspective. https://doi.org/10.21897/25394185.1482
  • Hunter, W. J. (2015). Teaching for Engagement: Part 3: Designing for Active Learning. College Quarterly, 18(4). Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=eric&AN=EJ1095952
