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МООС: дистанционные онлайн-курсы

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses )— образовательная технология, позволяющая предоставлять обучение по международным программам всем желающим через дистанционные технологии. Сегодня свои MOOCs предлагают передовые мировые университеты и образовательные организации, преподавателями массовых курсов являются лучшие в своей области специалисты и исследователи, а аудитория ведущих образовательных платформ исчисляется миллионами пользователей. В 2013 году Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики» начал свое сотрудничество с международной образовательной платформой Coursera.org.

За процесс создания и проведения MOOCs на платформе Coursera отвечает Центр развития образовательной среды при Департаменте основных образовательных программ. Центр организует работу с преподавателями, ассистентами по вопросам создания MOOCs для проекта Coursera, взаимодействует с иностранными организациями и партнерами по проектам Центра развития образовательной среды, курирует съемочный процесс, а также консультирует ассистентов и преподавателей, которые разрабатывают свои MOOCs.

Начиная с 2016/17 учебного года студентам всех курсов необходимо будет пройти MOOCs как часть основной образовательной программы. Ниже перечислен перечень рекомендованных курсов на платформе Coursera.org. для студентов ОП Востоковедение.

Шкала перевода баллов за онлайн дисциплины, полученных студентами ОП «Востоковедение» и студентами изучающими МКД дисциплины с онлайн курсами из планов программы, в 10-балльную шкалу НИУ ВШЭ 

Рекомендованные онлайн-курсы

Экономика переходных и развивающихся рынков / Economics of Transition and Emerging Markets

Ссылка: https://www.coursera.org/learn/economics-transition-emerging-markets

Язык: english

Лектор: various


The course analyzes challenges faced by transition and emerging-market economies, i.e., those middle- and low-income countries, which have conducted market-oriented economic reforms and become integrated into the global economy since 1990s.

Введение в российскую экономику. Проблемы переходного периода / Understanding Russian Economy. Problems of Transition

Ссылка: https://www.coursera.org/learn/economy-russia-transition

Язык: english

Лектор: Vladimir Zuev


The purpose of the course is to bring the basic knowledge on the specific aspects of Russian economy that had significant impact on the latest development trends in Russia.

This course will provide you with knowledge on:

  1. The basics of economy;
  2. Understanding the role of market reforms in developing the key features of modern Russian economy;
  3. Understanding specific aspects of Russian economy;
  4. Cause-effect relationship of the most significant trends in Russia’s economic development;
  5. Instruments for analysis of Russian economy;
  6. Business climate in Russia and skills required for doing business in Russia.

Currently, different aspects of economy have some influence on us and our behavior - e.g. currency exchange rates, inflation and other things define the way in which we distribute our income between savings and investments. In order to understand these principles it is required to have the basic knowledge on economics. So it is not only a lecture on Russian economy. Another main objective of the course is to develop knowledge on the basics of economy as such. So the course will disclose universal patterns by analyzing trends in Russian economy. FAQ: Q: What is targeted audience for this course? What are the course prerequisites? A: The course is mainly developed for students pursuing their master’s degree in the field of international economy and for those who have professional interest in Russian economy. It requires basic knowledge of economic terms. Q: What are the minimum requirements to pass the course? A: In order to pass the course and receive a Course Certificate you will need to have at least 80% of correct answers in each quiz. Welcome to the course “Understanding Russian Economy. Problems of Transition”!

Добро пожаловать в теорию игр / Welcome to Game Theory

Ссылка: https://www.coursera.org/learn/game-theory-introduction#syllabus

Язык: english

Лектор: Michihiro Kandori


This course provides a brief introduction to game theory. Our main goal is to understand the basic ideas behind the key concepts in game theory, such as equilibrium, rationality, and cooperation. The course uses very little mathematics, and it is ideal for those who are looking for a conceptual introduction to game theory. Business competition, political campaigns, the struggle for existence by animals and plants, and so on, can all be regarded as a kind of “game,” in which individuals try to do their best against others. Game theory provides a general framework to describe and analyze how individuals behave in such “strategic” situations. This course focuses on the key concepts in game theory, and attempts to outline the informal basic ideas that are often hidden behind mathematical definitions. Game theory has been applied to a number of disciplines, including economics, political science, psychology, sociology, biology, and computer science. Therefore, a warm welcome is extended to audiences from all fields who are interested in what game theory is all about.

Дипломатия в современном мире / Global Diplomacy – Diplomacy in the Modern World

Ссылка: https://www.coursera.org/learn/global-diplomacy

Язык: english

Лектор: Dr J. Simon Rofe


The Global Diplomacy course is a unique offering to the MOOC environment. Bringing together cutting edge research in the broad fields of Diplomatic and International Studies, award winning distance learning delivery and the instructors previous experience of delivering a successful MOOC. Please see the volume Global Diplomacy: Theories, Types and Models authored with Dr Alison Holmes, (Westview, 2016), and the Understanding Research Methods MOOC from Coursera. The Global Diplomacy MOOC has a direct heritage in the University of London International Academy/SOAS Global Diplomacy MA Programme launched in April 2013 which have attracted hundreds of students from around the world. The Global Diplomacy MA Programme is provided by the Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy which has been teaching postgraduate courses in Diplomacy for over twenty five years.

After completing the 'Global Diplomacy' MOOC, learners will have:

  1. The ability to demonstrate a critical understanding of the nature and development of global diplomacy, drawing on a variety of relevant contributing disciplines in the broad field of International Studies.
  2. An understanding of changes in diplomatic practices and procedures and the relationship of those changes to contemporary politics.
  3. A sound grounding in both theoretical and empirical approaches to debates in diplomacy so that students have been exposed to the and skills needed to analyse global diplomacy.
  4. knowledge of issues in global diplomacy in historical and contemporary contexts.

После Арабской весны - стремление к демократии и несостоявшееся государство / After the Arab Spring – Democratic Aspirations and State Failure

Ссылка: https://www.coursera.org/learn/after-the-arab-spring

Язык: english

Лектор: Dr. Ebrahim Afsah


Learn why the hope and excitement of the Arab Spring is gone, why so many Arab states are falling apart, why the youth are so frustrated, why there are so many refugees, and what can be done about it. The so-called Arab Spring appeared to end decades of exceptionalism and bring the Arab world back into the mainstream of global developments. The rebellions promised the return of politics and the reassertion of popular sovereignty against their corrupt and geriatric leaders. Much hope and flowery language greeted the young men and women who deposed their leaders and tried to build new, better societies. Today, the Arab world is in deep crisis. Of the 22 member states of the Arab League, at least five have essentially collapsed: Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Syria exist only in name today, as their territories have fallen to competing, murderous armed groups. In the remaining countries, the old autocracies have reasserted themselves. The repression at home is now worsened by regional conflict on an unprecedented scale, and the resulting frustration has led to the biggest refugee flows in recent memory. What went wrong? This course offers an overview of the structural shortcomings of Arab states and societies, which help us understand why the democratic awakening did not happen but instead “has given way to civil wars, ethnic, sectarian and regional divisions and the reassertion of absolutism.” This raises the obvious and renewed question whether there is something inherent in the Arab, and by analogy Muslim, condition that makes them special. Does this condition make this part of the world impervious to generally observable trends towards greater accountability, popular participation in political decision-making, greater generation and fairer division of economic wealth? Join this course to find out!

Федерализм и децентрализация: оценивание достижений Африки/Federalism & Decentralization: Evaluating Africa's Track Record

Ссылка: https://www.coursera.org/learn/decentralization-africa

Язык: english

Лектор: Dr. Jan Erk


In this political science course you will learn about the twin concepts of federalism and decentralization. You will develop an understanding of the core ideas that federalism and decentralization rest on, and study the building blocks that make them both work. Following a general overview of both federalism and decentralization, we will examine a number of case-studies from Africa where federalism and decentralization have been changing the continent’s political landscape in the last twenty years, coinciding with unprecedented levels of economic growth. What is federalism and how is it different from decentralization? What are the core ideas behind these concepts? Do federalism and decentralization enhance democracy, governance and diversity? Is that why virtually all countries south of the Sahara are now either federal or decentralized? We will be looking at Africa's track-record in order to answer these questions. By the end of the course, you will have acquired a general knowledge of federalism/decentralization and additional empirical knowledge of a number of African cases. Upon completion you will also acquire the ability to unpack and understand a variety of potential consequences of federalism/decentralization reforms in the developing world.

Гендер, семья и современные изменения в современной Южной Корее/Gender, Family, and Social Change in Contemporary South Korea

Ссылка: https://www.coursera.org/learn/social-change-korea

Язык: english

Лектор: Hyun Mee Kim, Yoo Theodore Ju


This course examines the transformation of Korean society beginning around the turn of the 20th century to contemporary times. In particular, it explores how shifting categories of masculinity, and by contrast, femininity have impacted upon, and in turn been influenced by social, cultural, and political change. Using multiple disciplinary lenses, we will critically examine how gender intersects with political, social, and economic developments starting with the Confucianization of Korean society during the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910) up to the contemporary moment of globalization and neoliberal reform. The class will draw on a variety of topics such as traditional views of women, religion, race, class, education, patriarchy, sexuality, imperialism, modernity, war, globalization, the diaspora, among others. Special attention will be placed on the historical, transnational and transdisciplinary connections.

Религии и общество в Китае / Religions and Society in China

Ссылка: https://www.coursera.org/learn/religions-society-china

Язык: english

Лектор:Aleksey A. Maslov


This course provides an introduction to the study of the history, major teachings, and practices of the major Chinese religions and spiritual practices and is deigned to give conceptual tools to appreciate diverse religious practice in East. It covers the development of Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism and wide range of popular and local religions. From historical perspective we will also explore the development of key theological, religious and philosophical doctrines as well as associated practices. An effort will be made to spend time on each tradition according to its importance to Asia as a whole. We will explore the role of religions in politics and social relations in East and South, South East Asia and China in particular, and will analyze the origins, central teachings, divisions and branches, rituals and practices, influences on culture, and responses to modern challenges for each tradition. The emphasis throughout the course is on the hermeneutic difficulties attendant upon the study of religion in general, and Asian religions in particular. We will explore new Asian religions as dynamic, ongoing forces in the lives of individuals and in the collective experience of modern societies.

Конституционная борьба в мусульманском мире / Constitutional Struggles in the Muslim World

Ссылка: https://www.coursera.org/learn/muslim-world

Язык: english

Лектор: Dr. Ebrahim Afsah


Learn what motivates the restive Muslim youth from Tunis to Tehran, what political positions Islamists from Mali to Chechnya are fighting for, where the seeming obsession with Islamic law comes from, where the secularists have vanished to, and whether it makes sense to speak of an Islamic state. Since 2009 there has been a renewed wave of popular unrest sweeping throughout much of the Muslim world. Secular, but generally repressive and inefficient autocracies have come under pressure or been swept aside entirely. At the same, the various Islamic Republics have not fared much better, but been convulsed by internal unrest, economic and social decline. Throughout the Muslim lands, existing constitutional arrangements are being challenged, often very violently. This course is a survey of the constitutional ideas and institutions that have developed since the mid 19th century throughout predominantly Muslim countries, but its focus will lie on the actors that have dominated this discourse and shaped its outcomes. We will look at the large body of classical writings on the Islamic state only in so far as it is necessary to understand the contemporary debate, but concentrate on the legal and political developments of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Обучение в японских университетах / Studying at Japanese Universities

Ссылка: https://www.coursera.org/learn/study-in-japan

Язык: english

Лектор:Yujin Yaguchi, Yuko Itatsu


Are you interested in studying at Japanese universities? Do you want to learn about Japan’s university application and enrollment processes, as well as the types of programs on offer? This course will help you to both discover great programs offered by different Japanese universities and prepare a study plan through project-based learning. We introduce a number of options to match a variety of goals, from full degree to non-degree programs, programs taught in English, as well as short-term programs in Japan. During the course, international students at UTokyo will provide you with useful information and advice to start you on the path to studying in Japan. At the end of this course, you will produce a draft of your action plan for applying to Japanese universities. The overall goal of the course is to start you off on the right foot to a happy, productive and fulfilling student life in Japan!

Слова, выраженные в изображениях: визуальная и литературная культура в 19 веке Япония / Words Spun Out of Images: Visual and Literary Culture in Nineteenth Century Japan

Ссылка: https://www.coursera.org/learn/visual-literary-culture-in-japan

Язык: english

Лектор:Robert Campbell


In their ambition to capture “real life,” Japanese painters, poets, novelists and photographers of the nineteenth century collaborated in ways seldom explored by their European contemporaries. This course offers learners the chance to encounter and appreciate behavior, moral standards and some of the material conditions surrounding Japanese artists in the nineteenth century, in order to renew our assumptions about what artistic “realism” is and what it meant. Learners will walk away with a clear understanding of how society and the individual were conceived of and represented in early modern Japan. Unlike contemporary western art forms, which acknowledge their common debt as “sister arts” but remain divided by genre and discourse, Japanese visual and literary culture tended to combine, producing literary texts inspired by visual images, and visual images which would then be inscribed with poems and prose. Noticing and being able to interpret this indivisibility of visual/literary cultures is essential in understanding the social and psychological values embedded within the beauty of Japanese art.

Китайская культура и современный Китай/Chinese Culture and Contemporary China

Ссылка: https://www.coursera.org/learn/china-culture-contemporary

Язык: english

Лектор:程 爱民; 杨居柳; 张斌; 敖雪岗


This course of Chinese Culture and Contemporary China will explore the foundations of Chinese civilization and the dimensions of Chinese culture. It will pay particular attention to the relationship between Chinese culture and the present-day life of the Chinese people and to the different elements of the culture which are under the present social structures, belief systems, literature, arts, customs, etc. The course aims at providing students with a deeper knowledge of Chinese culture, thus enabling them to better understand China.

The course will cover the following main areas of topics: (1) the foundations of Chinese civilization: its geography, language, and history; (2) the core concepts in Chinese philosophies and religions: Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism; (3), literature and arts, including Chinese calligraphy, painting, Tang poetry, and classical fiction; (4) society and life, including education, the role of women, Chinese food, and traditional holidays; (5) travel and landscapes, including well-known Chinese cities, mountains, ethnic regions and customs; (6) Chinese media, culture and sports, including TV and movies, fashion, Chinese gongfu and taiji.

In addition, students will be expected to participate in a buddy program beyond curriculum if they have a chance to come to Nanjing. Ideally they will be paired up: an international student with a Nanjing University student to allow students to learn firsthand about Chinese customs, culture, and language. Students will be required to complete various projects and homework assignments as well, which will encourage them to use Nanjing University and the city of Nanjing as a laboratory to apply what they learn during their stay at Nanjing University.

Навыки Excel для бизнеса: основы/Excel Skills for Business: Essentials

Ссылка: https://www.coursera.org/learn/excel-essentials/

Язык: english

Лектор:Dr Yvonne Breyer


In this first course of the specialization Excel Skills for Business you will learn the Essentials of Microsoft Excel. Within six weeks, you will learn to expertly navigate the Excel user interface, perform basic calculations with formulas and functions, professionally format spreadsheets, and create visualizations of data through charts and graphs.

Whether you are self-taught and want to fill in the gaps for better efficiency and productivity, or whether you have never used Excel before, this course will set you up with a solid foundation to become a confident user and develop more advanced skills in later courses.

We have brought together a great teaching team that will be with you every step of the way. A broad range of practice quizzes and challenges will provide great opportunities to build up your skillset. Work through each new challenge with our team and in no time you will surprise yourself with how far you have come.

Spreadsheet software is one of the most ubiquitous pieces of software used in workplaces across the world. Learning to confidently operate this software means adding a highly valuable asset to your employability portfolio. At a time when digital skills jobs are growing much faster than non-digital jobs, make sure to position yourself ahead of the rest by adding Excel skills to your employment portfolio.

Понимание корейской политики/ Understanding Korean politics

Ссылка: https://www.coursera.org/learn/understanding-korean-politics

Язык: english

Лектор: Chung-in Moon


This course will select six most outstanding issues in contemporary Korean politics and will engage in an in-depth, interactive inquiry of those issue. They include Korean politics in history, institutional setting of Korean politics, and dynamics of political culture in Korea, profiles of political leadership, myth and reality of the developmental state and the Korean economic miracle, and debates on Korean unification. The course will expose students to contending theories and empirical reality at first hand.

After completing this course, learners will be able to

  1. Grasp the most salient and timely aspects of Korean politics..
  2. Place South Korean politics in comparative perspectives.
  3. Digest a delicate mix of theory and practice regarding Korean politics.
  4. Come up with new interpretations of political development in South Korea.
  5. Most importantly renew their genuine interests in Korea and Korean politics.

Корейское экономическое развитие / The Korean Economic Development

Ссылка: https://www.coursera.org/learn/korean-economy

Язык: english

Лектор: Doo Won Lee


You will review the evolution of the Korean economy decade by decade since Korea’s independence from Japan in 1945. Major policies of each decade will be explained and their effect on the Korean economy will be analyzed. Also, the backgrounds and limitations of important policies will be scrutinized. By doing so, you will be able to compare the Korea experience with the other developing countries’.

  1. You will be able to explain how the miracle of the Korean economic development was made possible.
  2. By examining internal and external conditions behind the decision making of major policies in Korea, you will be able to draw lessons that can be applicable to today’s developing countries.
  3. You can explain how the Korean economy has interacted with the global economy in the past.
  4. You can observe how economic theories and models can be applied to the Korean case.

Китайская политика Часть 1/ Chinese Politics – 1

Ссылка: https://www.coursera.org/learn/chinesepolitics1

Язык: english

Лектор: David Zweig


This course offers a conceptual framework for understanding China that highlights the intersection of politics and economics. It shows that rather than develop into a full blown market economy, state and party officials at all levels of the political system maintain significant influence in economic development. Such a “political” economy has had both positive and negative outcomes, which we will assess in detail. We also look at the origins, views, backgrounds and relations among leaders, and how those leaders make decisions about public policy and try to get those decisions implemented down through the system. China has few formal institutions through which citizens can participate in politics, but we will study the strategies Chinese people use to try to influence their leaders’ decisions. Finally, we assess China’s future and whether rapid economic development and the emergence of a vibrant middle class will push China towards greater democracy or whether the single party system is likely to survive into the future. The course is a quite useful background for Chinese Politics Part 2 – China and the World.

Китайская политика Часть 2/Chinese Politics - 2

Ссылка: https://www.coursera.org/learn/chinese-politics-2

Язык: english

Лектор: David Zweig


One of the most significant changes in the world in the past 30 years is the opening of China to the outside world and its engagement with that world. In the initial years of the opening, external forces influenced China’s economy, regional balances, bureaucracy, as well as the political authority of local leaders in the coastal areas. More recently, the world is feeling the effects of a rising China which seeks resources and talent from all around the globe and uses its financial wealth to strengthen its position in the world. This course tracks the opening of China up from 1978 until it joins the WTO, focusing on how the world affected China’s internal development. We then look at various aspects of China’s “going out strategy” — its search for energy, talent, as well as its relations with the United States and the states within the Asia-Pacific region. The instructor has been deeply engaged in research on all these topics, having lived in China during various stages of China’s opening to the outside world.

Интеллектуальные изменения в раннем Китае: воюющие государства и Хан/Intellectual Change in Early China: Warring States and Han

Ссылка: https://www.coursera.org/learn/intellectual-change-early-china-the-warring-states-han

Язык: english

Лектор: Prof. John Lagerwey


This sequence of four courses will propose a multi-disciplinary approach to the study of Chinese cultural history conceived of as a succession of modes of rationality (philosophical, bureaucratic, and economic). The focus will be on the moments of paradigm shift from one mode of rationality to another. For each of these moments, cultural facts and artifacts—thought, literature, ritual—will be examined in relationship to changing social, political, and economic systems.

The first two courses will cover the periods of the Warring States (481-256 BCE) and the Period of Division (220-589 CE), with a brief excursion into the Han (206 BCE-220 CE). The Warring States laid the social and cultural foundations for the emergence of the imperial mode of rationality; the Period of Division saw the Buddhist “conquest” of China and the emergence of a rationality defined by the opposition of the Three Teachings to shamanism, that is, of a clear contrast between elite and popular culture.

The third and fourth courses will focus on the emergence of modern China in the Song-Yuan (960-1368) and of today’s China 1850 to the present. We will see how the modern attack on religion, redefined as "superstition", led not only to religious reform movements but also to a society in which science and the nation became the primary value systems promoted by the state.

The courses are listed below:

A Critical Cultural History of China - Early China I: Intellectual Change in the Warring States and Han (481 BCE-220 CE)

A Critical Cultural History of China - Early China II: Religious Transformation in the Period of Division (220-589 CE)

A Critical Cultural History of China - Modern China I: Religion and Thought in the Song, Jin, and Yuan (960-1368)

A Critical Cultural History of China - Modern China II: Structuring Values (1850-2015)

Появление современного Ближнего Востока - часть I/The Emergence of the Modern Middle East 1

Ссылка: https://www.coursera.org/learn/modern-middle-east-1

Язык: english

Лектор: Professor Asher Susser


This course will review the emergence of the modern Middle East from the fall of the Ottoman Empire, at the end of the First World War to the present. We will discuss the Ottoman legacy in the region and the Western imperial impact on the creation of the Arab state system. The course will review the rise and retreat of Arab nationalism, the problems of internal cohesion of the Arab states, issues of religion and state, and the evolution of Islamist politics. We will also focus on the evolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict and its impact on the region and will conclude with an in depth analysis of the “Arab Spring” by placing these contemporary revolutionary events in their historical context.

Появление современного Ближнего Востока - часть II/The Emergence of the Modern Middle East 2

Ссылка: https://www.coursera.org/learn/modern-middle-east-2

Язык: english

Лектор: Professor Asher Susser


This course will discuss the developments in the Middle East from the early 20th century to the present. It will discuss the rise and retreat of Arab nationalism, the problems of internal cohesion of the Arab states, issues of religion and state, and the evolution of Islamist politics. It will also focus on the evolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict and its impact on the region and will conclude with an in depth analysis of the “Arab Spring” by placing these contemporary revolutionary events in their historical context.