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Liudmila M. Cheglakova

  • Liudmila M. Cheglakova has been at HSE University since 2008.

Education and Degrees

  • 2006

    Candidate of Sciences* (PhD) in Social Structure, Social Institutes and Processes
    Saratov State Technical University

  • 1994

    Degree in Sociology
    Samara State University

* Candidate of Sciences
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.

Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience

1.Module 1 through 2 of the "Inernational Level Сoaching" program, 20.09.23 - 14.02.24 г. (сертификат № L1ILC-17/ 364)

2. "Climate change", MGIMO University, MFA of Russia, 11/25/2022 - 11/26/2022 (AAA certificate 180901505 ShBiMK / Ch-397)

3. iMentor, Sapiens Lab, 02/12/22 - 05/21/22 (Certificate No. 7)

4. "Case method in education: writing compact cases", 20.11.20 – 19.03.21, Higher School of Economics NRU HSE (certificate 02.38.44-037

5. Sustainability Mindset New Fast Track Program, February – June 2021, PRME, UN Global Compact, Certificate of Completion 

6. "Projective psychodiagnostics. The practice of using drawing tests and supplement tests in children's counseling", June 2021, Institute of Practical Psychology "Imaton", online (PC certificate no. 12575/521306/2021)

7. "Director of the Corporate University," September - October, 2020, Topcareer, Moscow (certificate No. 20201006-01)

8. "Peculiarities of educational process in NRU HSE: rules and principles, standards, regulatory and methodological issues and communication technologies", January, 2020, NRU HSE, Moscow

Awards and Accomplishments

Professional networking

Professional networking

Russian Society of Sociologists since 1990

Academy of Management  Member since 2013

Russian Business Ethics Network (RBEN) since 2018

Courses (2023/2024)

Courses (2022/2023)

Courses (2021/2022)

Courses (2020/2021)


Grants (over the last 5 years)

NIU HSE, "Congruence of Personal and Organizational Values and Its Influence on Personnel Engagement", 2014.

NIU HSE, "Value-oriented Management in Russian Companies", 2013.

IREX, "The Right for Life in Society: Mechanisms of Educational Integration of Disabled Children", 2006 - 2007.

CAF, "Pro-active Approach to Violence Against Children problem: Analysis of  Situation and Formation of Intersector Interaction Policy", 2006.

Independent institute of social policy, "New Ideology and Practice of Social Services: Regional Models of  Efficiency Assessment  in the Conditions of Social Policy Liberalization" (No. SP-06-2-15), 2006.

The British Council on economic and social researches (ESRC), the project "Management and Labor Relations: Management Practices at the modern Russian enterprises", 2002 - 2006.

ESRC – MGPA, "Labor Unions in a Former Communist Block, a Low Wage and Decent Work: Russia, China and Vietnam ", 2006 - 2008. 


  • 2023
    VII Санкт-Петербургский Международный Форум Труда (Санкт Петербург). Presentation: Наставничество на российских промышленных предприятиях: стимулирование или ограничение инновативной активности работников?
  • 2022
    Юбилейная конференция СПАС "Тревожное общество и (не)возможности солидарности" (Онлайн). Presentation: Вклад наставничества в формирование трудовой культуры молодежи-работников промышленных предприятий
  • 2021
    "XXII Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества" (Москва). Presentation: Is environmental responsibility important for small and medium-sized businesses in Russia?
  • European Business Ethics Network Workshops “Self-Regulation of Market Ethics”. Presentation: Self-Regulation of Ethics in Beauty Sector: First Look
  • 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Presentation: The Role of Heterogeneous Contexts Shaping CSR Practices in Russia

  • 2020

    XXI Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Factors shaping responsible behavior of Russian SMEs

  • International Conference "Climate Change in Industry 4.0" (Москва). Presentation: Development of environmental responsibility and related practices among Russian SMEs
  • 2019
    XX APRIL INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC CONFERENCE ON ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT (Москва). Presentation: “Discourses of CSR and Business Ethics in Russia: An Empirical Investigation of Local Businesses”
  • Fourth annual SBS Global Days: Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability (Стокгольм). Presentation: RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS PRACTICES IN THE RUSSIAN CONTEXT
  • 2016
    "Doing Business in Russia: practical experience and new trends" (Москва). Presentation: The attitude to business ethics in Russian companies
  • XXIII Международный симпозиум "Пути России. Север - Юг" (Москва). Presentation: "Движение в будущее: замена старых традиций на новые в крупной инфраструктурной компании"


Employment history


2006 – currant - business trainer, Training-Boutique Ltd, Moscow

2008 – 2010 - associate professor of Psychology Chair, IGUMO, Moscow

2003 – 2010 - head of analytics and researches sector, co-founder, “Social Mechanics” Research Center, Samara

1995 - 2010 - associate professor, Chair of Sociology and Political Science, SSU, Samara.


Courses: Mentoring, Corporate culture, Personal efficiency of the manager, Training of internal trainers, Meditation in business organization and in ordinary life.

Key clients: Alrosa, Gazpron-Oil, EVRAZ, Rosneft JSC, Novatek, TNK-BP, Kaspersky Lab, Sveza Group, FG Uralsib, Uralsib Insurance group, Russian Railways JSC, VoTG  JSC, Samaraenergo Russian Railways, JSC, Motorostroitel.


Other Lecture Courses and Teaching Activity  (Design and teaching for bachelors and masters)

Training Design, Methods and Techniques; Administrative Counseling; Corporate culture, Cross-cultural  management, Psychology of Management, Sociology of Management, Business trainings: Organization and Tools in Organizational Counseling.

Timetable for today

Full timetable