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1. Зимние школы в НИУ ВШЭ

Ежегодно Высшая школа экономики проводит Зимние  школы для поступающих в магистратуру. 
Зимняя школа – это интересные лекции и мастер-классы, семинары и неформальные беседы с ведущими преподавателями университета, известными учеными и политиками. Это отличная возможность узнать о существующих магистерских программах, перспективах дальнейшего трудоустройства, правилах поступления и требованиях, предъявляемых к поступающим. Подробности на https://www.hse.ru/winter/

Школа — это площадка общения для молодых специалистов, желающих достигнуть новых результатов, готовых экспериментировать, выдвигать творческие идеи. Участники Школы смогут познакомиться с преподавателями программы и проникнутсья духом Вышки. Участие в Профильной Школе бесплатное: НИУ ВШЭ оплачивает расходы на образовательную и культурную программу, проживание и питание участников, трансфер из Москвы до пансионата и обратно. 

2. Олимпиада студентов и выпускников

"Я - профессионал"
В приеме на бюджетное место программы «Политика.Экономика. Философия» могут претендовать дипломанты, призеры и победители по профилям Государственное и муниципальное управление, Социология, Социальная работа, Экология, Экономика.  Даты регистрации на олимпиаду в 2023/2024 можно узнать на сайте https://yandex.ru/profi/ 

Олимпиада  "Высшая Лига"
Ежегодно весной проводится многопрофильная Олимпиада для всех желающих поступать на магистерские программы НИУ ВШЭ. В Олимпиаде могут принять участие студенты, завершающие обучение по любым образовательным программам высшего профессионального образования, а также лица с любым высшим образованием, имеющие степень бакалавра или специалиста.

Как подготовиться?
Относительно краткая видеоинструкция в жанре (совсем не) вредных советов доступна по ссылке https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOQWC2FJPh8.

3. Как подготовиться к конкурсу портфолио

Хотя от публикации Правил приема и конкретных требований к поступающим до проведения конкурсных процедур проходит больше полугода, подготовку портфолио не надо оставлять «на потом». О составе и критериях оценивания портфолио для поступления на программу магистратуры «Politics. Economics. Philosophy» можно узнать по ссылке https://www.hse.ru/ma/pep/tracks 

Самый весомый элемент портфолио – академическое эссе.
Преподаватели программы ожидают от абитуриентов самостоятельные академические работы солидного объема (10 -15 тысяч символов с пробелами) на английском языке. Все цитаты и другие заимствования должны быть снабжены соответствующими ссылками на источники с указанием страниц. Работы будут проверены на оригинальность, и плагиат недопустим. И, конечно, за ночь эссе, которое приведет Вас на программу, не написать. Или написать, но только при условии, что Вы читали и размышляли над «Вашей» темой не пару-тройку ночей

Полезные советы по написанию академического эссе можно найти по ссылке https://iq.hse.ru/en/news/438577495.html.

Темы эссе, предлагаемые в 2024 г.:

1. In the 19th century, David Ricardo’s economic theory predicted that economic growth would stop in the future, and it was a gloomy forecast. Nowadays, a “de-growth movement” is on the rise, reflecting fears of economic growth. Should nations promote or curb it? What are the origins of such a change?
2. Today, some state actors and few nonstate entities can literally see their citizens (or customers) (as well as foreign citizens) almost everywhere and hear them at any given moment. The advanced technologies to process the data thus acquired have become relatively affordable and effective. You are to assess the expansion of sensory capacities of the modern state as well as nonstate actors and its implications for the domain of politics and public administration. 
3. Friedrich Hayek insisted on the existence and benefits of a “spontaneous order” beyond the comprehension of individual minds; John M. Keynes claimed there was “no design but our own”, while  Karl Marx predicted the emergence of macro-level planning as a kind of conscious social design. Compare and appraise these ideas in their historical context and on the background of the experiences of the 21st century.
4. In the Introduction to the novel “Mother Night,” Kurt Vonnegut, referring to his experience as POV during WWII, concludes: “If I’d been born in Germany, I suppose I would have been a Nazi, bopping Jews and gypsies and Poles around, leaving boots sticking out of snowbanks, warming myself with my secretly virtuous insides.” Is everyone capable of evil? Does it matter if this is evil on a grand or a small scale? If everyone is capable of evil, how can an individual stop short of doing evil things? What can keep an individual from committing acts of evil? Should an individual be kept from doing evil things even if it means putting external limits on his or her freedoms and the freedoms of other individuals?
5. A renowned European political scholar and sociologist Claus Offe argued that the “demand” for legitimate state coercion as a “meta public good” substantially increased lately on a global level. However, its “supply” decreased. What evidence can support this claim? What are the causes of the “decrease of supply” of this “good”? If you disagree with this claim, provide your arguments to construct an alternative description of the ongoing global processes in public good provision.
6. Phillippe Zittoun compared policymaking to a “ritual” because it seems to be an essential political activity that mesmerizes the world by demonstrating that some issues are solvable and order can be restored even in the face of complete chaos. The government, while unable to address fundamental political or social issues, can suggest solutions for specific circumstances. Society needs to evoke and celebrate disorder in order to venerate the potential for order. This process continues indefinitely. What are your thoughts on this ritualistic-symbolic take on politics? Could this approach be helpful to understand certain policy issues and why they are resolved or not resolved?
7. Effective actors in their pursuit of shaping the policy agenda combine rational arguments and evidence with manipulative emotional appeals. Paul Cairney pointed out that it is a common strategy to influence policymaking, but there is a question: should experts and scientists adopt a similar approach to be more influential, or would the reputational costs outweigh the policy benefits? What is the reasonable ratio of evidence and emotions in policy debate, and can we rely on evidence alone?
8. In the APSA Presidential Address, Jane Mansbridge argued that “the western democratic tradition, anchored in resistance to kings, has focused too much on the possibilities and actualities of tyranny and domination”. What have been the consequences of this orientation espoused by the Western political theory to domestic institutions and practices in democracies and non-democracies worldwide? Has this orientation impacted international institutions and practices? 
9. In the opening paragraph of the essay titled “The Usefullness of Useless Knowledge” for the Harpers magazine, American educator Abraham Flexner argued: “Is it not a curious fact that in a world steeped in irrational hatreds which threaten civilization itself, men and women – old and young – detach themselves wholly or partly from the angry current of daily life to devote themselves to the cultivation of beauty, to the extension of knowledge, to the cure of disease, to the amelioration of suffering, just as though fanatics were not simultaneously engaged in spreading pain, ugliness, and suffering? The world has always been a sorry and confused sort of place – yet poets and artists and scientists have ignored the factors that would, if attended to, paralyze them. From a practical point of view, intellectual and spiritual life is, on the surface, a useless form of activity, in which men indulge because they procure for themselves greater satisfactions than are otherwise obtainable.” He then pondered on “the question of the extent to which the pursuit of these useless satisfactions proves unexpectedly the source from which undreamed-of utility is derived”. This essay was published in 1939. Based on your educational background (presumably in the social sciences or the humanities or other domains of knowledge), give examples and discuss the advances in the social sciences (with profound results for politics, social life, etc.) made possible by “the pursuit of useless satisfactions”, i.e. scholars’ engagement advancement of “useless knowledge”.
10. As Lewis Dexter once noted: “If political scientists had been more concerned with legislation and its effects, and less concerned with representation and process, they might have contributed far more to the study of policy than they have”. This remark was made in the beginning of the 1980s and related to American scholars and American policies, but can we consider it as a relevant claim today? Is it still the case that political scientists have this focus on prosesses and representation? Does it hinder the quality of policy studies or, perhaps, enhance it?
11. Classical political economists distinguished between productive and unproductive labour. Today, economists tend to neglect this distinction. Explain the reasons for, implications of, and your attitude toward such a shift in focus.

Авторы этих тем надеются, что Вы ознакомитесь с первоисточниками прежде, чем броситесь писать эссе.

Например, для темы 7 это предполагает чтение самого эссе Абрахама Флекснера, хотя и знакомство с одноименной книгой-посвящением будет полезным (или хотя бы с записью представления книги - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rb4CyvY54Eg